Chapter 7(Chandrani)

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As the night crept in, so did my thoughts. I fell into a spiral of thoughts, about the upcoming new moon and the routine visits that Shivpur villagers make to, worship nag devas.

My thoughts jumped to what was written on the scriptures of Vedas in, the Nag purana. New moon and the full moon are the most volatile periods concerning Nags and, nagins.

Basically, our energy is at the brim when the moon is full, since we will mate during this period with our respective partners that's, when we get fueled with anger with anything or, anyone pertubing us.

However, the new moon is when we ascend to they horrendous heights of anger and irritation. Without, the moonlight to guide us our, emotions just look like the moonless night sky. We are likely to expose ourselves easily during this two nights.

As, I was deeply engrossed in my own thoughts, Kamla, my landlady came over to my hut to inform the arrival of the Yuvaraj who would be arriving in a week's time.

Hearing the word Yuvaraj, a strange ringing went to alarm my brainwaves. Soon, I remembered it was the family of the Raj who killed my parents.

I, smiled at Kamla and replied thanks, She left with a puzzled expression while, I thanked Shivji heartily the opportunity, I awaited for years.

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