"Mizuki!" Hidan yells.
"Let her go you bastard, there's two of us and one of you!" They step closer and the snake tightens his grip.
"Guys please back up." I mumble out.
"What?" D asks.
"Do it please!" I yell at them. They do so and the snake lightens it's grip.
"Oh thank Jashin. I couldn't breathe. The snake tightens his grip the closer you get to me." I tell them. Hidan nods and turns to Kabuto.
"You stole from the wrong person Kabuto." I smile at Hidans words.
The snake once again tightens it's grip. 'What nothings happening!'
"D.. the snake.." I mumble to him as he was the closest to me. He begins to put tiny explosives on the snake. 'This better not blow me up as well.' They explode and the snake falls to the ground. Now there's a ringing in my ear. Deidara hugs me and I hug him back.
"It's so good to see you guys." I say.
"It's good to see you too." He says then his eyes trail to my neck.
"Who did that!?" He yells. I immediately stare at the ground. I totally forgot about the mark on my neck.
"Kabuto." I say in a whispering tone.
"I'll kill him. He didn't do anything to you did he?"
"No. No nothing else. But you're gonna have to get in line to kill him." I say and smirk.

We turn our attention to Hidan fighting Kabuto.
"Go help him D." I tell him. I'll be okay." He nods and runs off. I wish I could help but I'm so weak right now. I need to sit and rest, let my chakra replinish itself.

Hidan and Deidara go at Kabuto fighting him. It seems like hours I'm watching them. "I need to help.." I say pulling myself up. Right as I do another explosion happens and I see Sasori come through the wall. I see Konan fighting Orochimaru. "Shit." I say and run over to him. I put my hand over him and begin healing him. "Thank you Mizuki." He says and I nod. As soon as I'm done he goes back to fight Orochimaru with Konan. I stand up again. 'Great now more of my chakra is gone.' I start to walk over to Hidan and D when Hidan is sent flying right for me. I hold my hands out to block him from knocking me over but it was no use, I'm not strong enough right now. But I do block our fall by putting a chakra shield around us. He immediately pulls me into his embrace. "Mizuki I'm so glad to see you." "Yeah I'm glad to see you too Hidan, but can you get off of me?" I ask smiling. "Oh fuck sorry, yeah." He says getting up and holding out his hand. He smiles at me but then his eyes trail down to my neck. "Who the fuck did that to you?" He says in an angry tone. I have never heard him be so serious before. I look towards the ground. He puts his hand under my chin and lifts up my head to look at him. "Mizuki.. did one of them hurt you?" He asks. "Besides this.. no." I say. "So none of them made you.." "no! No not that." I say puting my hand on his cheek. "I'm okay Hidan." "Which one of them did this?" He asks. "Kabuto." I mumble. "I'm gonna tear his fucking head off." He says and turns away from me put I take his hand in mine pulling him back. I put my head up to his and kiss him. "Now you can go." He smiles at me and nods his head taking out his sythe. 'Mizuki..' 'Huh, Lord Jashin?' 'Yes, you need more power right now don't you?' 'Yeah, I'm kinda useless right now.' 'I will lend you some. Think of it as thank you for being a good follower.' 'Thank you Lord.' I say. Then I feel a warm sensation go through me and my body begins to let off fire. "I'm ready." I say and run towards Kabuto.

"Mizuki?" D asks as I run into the fight. I manage to get a punch right onto Kabutos face. "Man that felt good." I say smiling then cracking my knuckles. "You need to be resting." Hidan says. "I don't need rest, Jashin gave me power." I say smiling. "Mizuki why!?" Kabuto yells wiping blood off his mouth. I look towards him and he was beaten to a pulp. 'Wow Hidan and Deidara did a number on him.' "Why what?" I yell back. "Why must you leave us?!" "Because I finally realized how much better I was off then staying with you two. I realized there was a better life for me without you two in it!" Kabuto gives me a disgusted look but then smirks. "How does your neck feel?" He asks. I was about to punch him when Hidan lightly pushes me out of the way and cuts him. I look towards Hidan and he smiles at me licking the blood off his sythe. His skin was already turning black and white. "Deidara." Hidan says. "Hm?" "Get Mizuki out of here." "What I'm staying right here." I tell him. "Deidara takes me by the hand and pulls me onto a clay bird." "When did you make that D?" "Hidan said he wants you out of here let's go." He says and pulls me onto the bird flying away. 'What? He's actually listening to Hidan?'

"I will kill you Kabuto. How dare you lay a hand on Mizuki!?" I yell taking out my sythe and gripping it tightly in my hands. He only grins at me. I was about to attack when something hits me knocking me off my feet. "She is more useful here with Orochimaru." "He only used her for her powers!" I yell back. My skin started go turn normal. 'Fuck the ritual got messed up because my lack of focus.' "Isn't that what you people do?" "No. That is not what we do with her, we all actually care about her." "Enough talking! We will have her back!" Kabuto yells at me. I lunge for him and swipe my sythe at his head. All I must do is get his blood. Then I can kill him.

As we are fighting the roof above us begins to rumble and shake. "What the fuck is happening?" I mumble while I swipe at Kabuto again. Then Konan comes through the ceiling. "Ow." She mumbles getting up. "Hidan you're still here?" She asks. "Yes I have to deal with this bastard." "You have to get out of here, everything is coming down." She says and jumps back through the ceiling. Kabuto looks to be surprised by what Konan has said and I take the opportunity to get closer to him, but as soon as I try to the rocks above us crumble down between us. "I hate to cut this short Hidan, But I must be going. He says then throws a smoke bomb. "Fuck." I jump through where Konan did as well and see her and Sasori. "Let's go." Sasori says. "Where did Orochimaru go?" "He left with Kabuto." "I must go after them." "You need to be with Mizuki if anything Hidan." Konan says. "She may have been hiding it but I know she is really upset about the situation she was just in." "How'd you know about that?" "Deidara told me." "Let's go back to the base." She says and we all leave.

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