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"She is not fucking going on this mission!" Hidan yells. I look at him with disbelief. 'Why the hell not?'
"What! And why not?" I ask him outloud.
"That place is no place for fucking women and this mission is way to damn dangerous." He says crossing his arms.
"Kakazu can go with me." He adds.
"Well there are women there." Pain says smirking looking at me and ignoring Hidans request for Kakazu to go.
"Yeah whores." Hidan scoffs.
"Men there are fucking awful." He says looking at me.
"And you're better?" I ask him jokingly. He gives me a look like 'I didn't appreciate that comment' look.
"I can handle it. They can't be worse then Hidan" I say to Pain in a joking tone.
"Very good. You two leave tonight. It will take a few months." Pain says then tells us to leave his office. I walk out to the hallway infront of Hidan and as soon as the door closes behind me he begins to talk.
"You are not fucking going on this mission Mizuki." He says trying to grab my arm but I move it away.
"You cannot tell me what to do Hidan. I will do as I please." I growl at him. 'What is his deal, trying to tell me what to do.' He pushes me up agaisnt the wall and I stare into his eyes, I didn't even sense his movement agan. What is wrong with my powers with him?'
"I cannot have you getting fucking hurt Mizuki." He says staring back into my eyes. My eyes widens slightly and I smile softly. I lean in and kiss his lips softly, although he doesn't kiss back.
"I won't leave your side." I say
"You know I'm strong." I say putting my hands on his chest. He looks away from my gaze and let's me go.
"It's not my fault if you fucking die." He says walking away.
"Oh trust me that won't happen." I say rolling my eyes. 'It literally cant happen.'

He's so moody, like all the time, it's kinda irritating. I never know if he's gonna be a complete asshole or nice one day.. it always changes.

I walk into the room Hidan and I share an hour after he does, to start packing and I see him laying on the bed with his eyes closed.
"Hidan?" I ask. 'I know you aren't sleeping your chakra is giving you away. It's always calm if your sleeping. And his charka is never calm when he's awake.'
"Hidan your chakra is giving you away." I say while I pack my bag.
"Fuck." He mumbles and leans up.
"What you don't think I can handle this mission?" I ask him still packing.
"I take that offensive you know." I add not looking at him. All though I could tell he was staring right at me, I could feel his gaze on me.
"It's not that Mizuki. You know I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." I look at him and smile softly. I walk over to him and sit on his waist.
"I'm going love." I say kissing his neck.
"I'll be by your side 24/7." I add.
"If anyone tries to touch you I'm going to fucking kill them." He mumbles. I smile and lean back up.
"I know." I say then give him a kiss on the lips.
"I'll help you pack." I say smacking his chest lightly.

I finish packing myself then pack Hidans bag for him while he naps. He needs the rest and I personally believe he is way stronger then me so he needs to be 100%.

I walk out to the kitchen two hours later and put the bags on the floor. I grab an apple and begin to eat it, then D walks into the room.
"Hey D." I say and smile with apple still in my mouth. He laughs slightly after seeing this.
"Hello Mizuki, are you ready for your mission un?" He asks.
"Yeah I am."
"Are you and Hidan okay now un?" He asks sounding interested.
"Yeah I think we are. Everything is settled and shit. I guess I wasn't looking at the big picture is all. He only did it because he didnt want to loose me." I say smiling.
"I'm glad you are happy." He says as he looks like he is straining a smile.
"Are you okay?" I ask him walking over to him.
"Yes I am fine un." He says. I look at him.
"As long as you say so." I add and turn to walk away, that is until I feel him move to grab my arm. I move my arm out of reach but turn around to look at him.
"Yes D?" I ask.
"Why?" He asks.
"What? Why what?" I ask. 'What is he talking about?'
"Why did you end up choosing him?" He says.
"What do you mean choosing him D?" I ask him. 'He doesn't think I liked him does he.. wait he doesn't like me does he?'
"I'm gonna ask you again Deidara. Are you okay?" I ask. I haven't used his full name in forever. It kinda feels werid coming out of my mouth. He looks at me strangely and it's probably because I used his full name.
"Yes." He says with a hurt look on his face. I give him a confused look but just then Hidan comes in. 'Perfect. Now I really won't get anything out of him.' Just as Hidan comes into the room D turns around and hits shoulders with Hidan as he leaves.
"The fuck is his problem?" He asks me.
"I don't know." I respond and sigh.
"Are you ready to go my undead lover?" He asks. I look at him and start to laugh.
"Undead lover?" I ask him smiling. Hidan just shrugs as he wraps his arms around me, grabbing my butt in the process. I look at him as he pushes me agaisnt the counter.
"I think it sounds pretty cool." He said smirking. He leans down and kisses me, its a long passionate kiss. His tounge begs for entrance into my mouth and I gladly let it in. Our tounge dance with each other as he picks me up and sits me on the counter. I wrap my arms around his shoulders as he pulls my body closer to his. He puts his hands on my back rubbing it slightly as the kiss begins to slow down. We lean our foreheads together once we were done. His beautiful purple eyes stare into mine. 'Where did all that come from.' He really makes it hard to not have sex with him. That's actually a thought I've been having quite often. I really do love him.. I believe.... although we have never said it. He's just so damn handsome. Fuck.

I just shake my head to clear the thoughts and continue to smile.
"Yeah it sounds cool. I'm ready, let's go." 'I'll deal with D when I get back.'


I can't believe Pain is letting her go on this damn mission with me. He knows how fucking dangerous this one is. Having to go get information on this man is going to be difficult. I know it's mainly a mission about me and my religion, well our religion now, but he has no right to send her with me.

"Hidan your chakra is giving you away." 'Fuck.'
"Fuck." I say and sit up. You know I really hate how she can do that sometimes. It's only useful to me when she helps me find sacrifices.
"What you don't think I can handle this mission?" She asks me.
"I take that offensive you know?" She adds.
"It's not that Mizuki. You know I don't know what I would do without you." All she does is smile slightly as she begins to walk over to me. 'How the hell is she just smiling at this. Maybe she really is psychotic like me.' She sits on my waist. 'Fuck this girl drives me fucking insane. She's sexy without even fucking trying.'
"I'm going love. I'll be by your side 24/7"
"If anyone tries to touch you I'm going to fucking kill them." I say to her with a serious tone in my voice.
"I know." She says to me. Then she leans down and gives me a quick kiss. Fuck I want her so bad. 'Why was it just a quick kiss come on Mizuki you're fucking killing me.'

She tells me she'll help me pack, which she ends up doing on her own. I need to sleep before this damn mission since I'll be taking first watch tonight.


"We have been on this mission forever it seems." Mizuki complains from behind me. I laugh at her.
"It's only been two weeks quit complaining." I say back to her.
"We are almost there anyways." I add.
"Good." She says and catches up to me. She grabs my arm and interlocks it with my own.

During the mission we have each given two sacrafices. She's getting much better at it. I don't have to walk her through it anymore. To be honest it's really hot watching her do the ritual. I should be proud of myself, we haven't had sex yet. I may have asked her a few times but she refuses everytime. I don't think she's ready, snd she's the first girl that I'm okay with waiting for.

"Hidan this is the town?" She asks getting closer to me. We finally make it to the town after twenty more minutes or walking.
"Yes this is it. Shi."
"Shi?" She asks.
"So the town is named death? Super." She groans. My smile widens and I pull her closer to me.
"Don't worry babe."
"I'm not worried." She asks. Just as she says this a loud bang comes from her left and she basically jumps into my arms. I burst out laughing and all she does hit my arm.

(That part was supposed to be italic oops)

We immediately go to where the man was supposed to be.
"This man is evil Mizuki." I tell her.
"I got you." She says.

Just then we are surrounded.
"What's going on?" I yell taking out my sythe and putting a hand over Mizuki. She sulks further back. 'That isn't like her. She's usually all for a fight.'
"Mizuki what's wro-"
I look down and see a kunai in my side.

Only fellow Jashinists can actually hurt each other with ease.

I look up and see that Mizuki's eyes were completely red. Not red like she had been crying but her actual eye color was now red. She walks backwards slightly to a hooded man.
"Well hello Hidan. Long time no see. Your women is nice, don't mind if I take her." He growls following a laughter. Mizuki begins to laugh to as she throws another kunai right at my head.


Yeah I don't know what happened with all the italics in this chapter but yeah lol. I didn't feel like going back to rewrite some stuff, so yeah. It's all good. How are you guys liking it so far?

I'm watching this show called 'channel zero' and it's about the creepy pasta candle cove. It's actually interesting and on the syfy network. Yall should watch it!

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