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"Fucking shut it Sasori!" Hidan yells towards Sasori. 'Damn Hidan he was only kidding.... right? I mean i wouldn't be bumbed out if he cared for me, but I'm pretty sure he only cares about my powers.'
"Anyways Mizuki." Kakazu starts. I stop thinking about what Sasori just said and turn to Kakazu.
"Pain wants to talk to you." He states and I give him a confused look.
"And who is that?" I ask with a slight attitude which makes Hidan smirk.
"Our leader. We need to make sure it is okay for you to stay here, not being in the Akatsuki, at least yet."
"Oh no no. I don't plan on staying here. I thank you guys for saving me, but.."
"But what?" Hidan asks with attitude in his tone now.
"But I need to be on my own. Especially since I have Orochimaru and Kabuto chasing me. I can't have you guys getting hurt because of that."
"Us getting hurt? Oh please you're fucking funny." Hidan says and laughs. I choose to ignore him. I turn to Kakazu.
"I cannot stay."
"At least talk to our leader. He wants to talk to you." I shake my head.
"Alright fine. Let's go now then."

I follow Kakazu around the base and have Hidan on my side and Deidara and Sasori behind me. I look at Hidan walking and he is holding up his necklace and whispering. I look at him confused then I hear Deidara.
"He's praying if you're wondering what he is doing un." He whispers to me.
"Oh." I all I say.
"Yeah Hidan has a werid religion un." He adds.
"Watch what you fucking say about my religion!" Hidan yells.
"Will you guys quite yelling." Kakazu says. Hidan turns his head straight and has an angry expression on his face. He's even adorable when he's pissed off. I smile at him then turn my head straight also.
"Hmp." Deidara says. I turn to him.
"Oh its nothing un." He says smiling like he's hiding something. I roll my eyes at him.
"Whatever you say little boy."
"I'm pretty sure I'm way taller then you, so I am not little un. I bet I'm older then you too!" He yells once more.
"Why must you people yell all the time?" I ask not specifically to Deidara.
"We're here. We will let you go in." Kakazu says.
"Good luck, you'll need it." Hidan says.
"What why?" I ask suddenly a little bit nervous.
"No fucking reason" he said putting his hand on my back pushing me into the room. He then slams the door shut behind me. I walk into the room and stand in the center.
"Hello Mizuki Yamura." I hear a deep voice say behind me. I turn quickly and sense the Chakra immediately. Damn this is strong. I see a man with orange hair.
"Pain is it?" I ask.
"That is correct." He says and smirks.
"So you want to stay here is that correct?" He asks.
"What? No no. I actually don't want to I-"
"And why is that?" He asks cutting me off.
"Well I'm sure you know, Orochimaru is most likely searching for me, and he knows I am at least with Hidan and Kakazu, and I can't let you guys get hurt because of me."
"This coming from a girl who has killed thousands of the strongest ninja alive. Why do you care so much about us?"
"To be honest I really don't know." I state.
"I feel as if I should." I add. 'What is wrong with me.'
"You will be safer here, let us give you protection, at least until you heal up completely." He says and I remember Kabuto attacked me. I instantly feel pain in my back.
"Maybe you're right.. ugh fine but only until I heal up."
"Then it's settled." He says.
"I will let you rest now but I would like to talk to you about your special kekkei genkai eventually." Pain says.
"Right. Okay." I say.
"You may leave." He says. I nod and turn to the door opening it up and find Hidan standing there.
"I'm you're fucking escort." He says giving me a smile. 'Why?'
"It can be hard to find your way around this place." He says.
"Alright thanks." I say giving him a smile back. I shut the door behind me and walk with Hidan. He puts his arm around me and I roll my eyes leaving it there. There's no use fighting it. I feel like this guy is just a total flirt.

I wonder how the talk with Pain is going. The others leave while I stay at the door and wait for her. I don't want to leave her alone with these other freaks. They can all be real creepy sometimes. The door opens and I smile.
"I'm you're fucking escort. It can be hard to find your way around this damn place." I add. For some reason I don't want to leave her alone. I like her presence.
"Alright." She says smiling back at me. Her smile is nice.
"Well fuck, come on." I say and start to walk. She grunts and follows. I then put my arm around her hoping to get a bad reaction out if it. But nothing. But I don't remove my arm.
"You sure do cuss a lot don't you?" She asks.
"I guess I fucking do but why the hell does that matter?"
"I never said it did." She says back to me. There's a moment of silence.
"So where will I stay?" She asks.
"We had a room made for you. I'll take you there." I say.
"Wait a minute." She says and stops walking.
"You just said a sentence, without cussing!"
"Shut the hell up, grow up." I mumble not looking at her. She begins to laugh and looks at me with that killer smile of hers.
"I'm only kidding Hidan. You need to relax a little."

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