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"You can cook!?" Tobi asks loudly to me.
"Mostly bake but yes I can cook." I say smiling. I turn and see Hidan, and again he is staring at me. He really needs to stop that.

And you know what I've realized? Hidan doesn't leave me alone for too long. I mean, we are hardly ever apart, even when I wasn't talking to him he was there. I even stay in a room by his at night, did he do that on purpose or something? Or was that just how things happened? I don't know but what I know is, Hidan doesn't like to be apart from me for too long.
"Can you cook tonight!?" Tobi asks me.
"I don't know Tobi.." I say patting his head.
"I haven't cooked or baked in awhile."
"I'm sure Mizuki still has it." Tobi says and moves his arms crazily.
"Fine okay." I say giving in. I did enjoy it. Maybe I'll like it again.

Night comes and I begin to cook. Miso soup, and ramen and stuff like that. It's my favorite, so that's what I decided on.
"You just become more and more attractive every damn day un." Deidara says and I smile.
"Oh thanks." I say back to him. When I say this Hidan coughs and I look over to him. I give him a light smile and go back to the kitchen. 'He isn't jealous is he?'

I hear a big bang then I hear a voice.
"Ow Hidan what the fuck un!" I hear Deidara yell. 'What the hell just happened in there?'
Night time falls more and I bring out dessert.

I go to the bathroom and I come back to it all gone.
"I tried to stop them." Konan says.
"Eh. So I guess the guys got clean up duty." I say smiling. Hidan groans and looks at me. I rub his head as I walk out of the room and walk to my room.
"Why won't Mizuki do that to me?!" Tobi yells.
"Because she doesn't like you like she likes Hidan." Kakazu says.
"Shut it Kakazu." Hidan mumbles which makes me smile lightly.

I hear Hidan walk to his room about an hour later of me being in my room. Then it starts up like normal. 'Hidan has another female sacrafice again.'
"Shut the hell up Hidan!" I yell. A few minutes pass and the noises do not stop, if anything they got louder. I angerly get out of my bed and stomp to his door. Now I know this is part of his religion and shit like that, but it's annoying as hell. Why must he do it at night?
"I swear to fucking Jashin Hidan, I will find a way to kill you!" I yell as I bang on his door. The noises suddenly stop as I do so, basically just as I stop my sentence.
"Fucking thank you." I say loudly so he could hear. I turn my body to walk back to my door but Hidans door slams open. He grabs my arm and I turn to look at him. Just as I make eye contact with him he pulls me into his room then shuts his door. He pushes me into the corner and puts both his hands on either side of my head.
"Hidan what are you doing?" I ask mervously.
"I can't stay away from you any longer Mizuki."
"W-what are you talking about?"I ask still nervous. All the sudden he crashes his lips onto mine. 'He's kissing me.. he's kissing me.'

"I swear to fucking Jashin Hidan, I will find a way to kill you." I hear Mizuki yell through my door as I finish with my ritual. 'She's even starting to talk like me.' I think. 'It's now or never. I've actually been trying to find the right time to do this, and this is a good time.

I walk up to my door and slam it open. I grab her arm and pull her into my room and push her in a corner. I slam my door shut and put my hands on either side of her head.
"Hidan what are you doing?" She asks me. 'She sounds nervous. How fucking adorable, I make her nervous.' Then my feelings wash over me.
"I can't stay away from you any longer Mizuki." It's fucking true. I have damn feelings for this girl. Jashin is going to kill me.
"What are you talking about?" She asks. I answer her with putting my lips on hers and hoping she would return how I feel.

She begins to kiss back and I smirk into the kiss.
"I knew it." I say and pull away slightly but I keep my lips close to hers.
"Hm?" She asks.
"You dig me."
"A little I guess." She says smiling softly.
"Admit it." I say smiling.
"Just fucking come here." She mumbles and leans into me to kiss me again.

'Damn it I do like him. I really do.' I think as I kiss him again. His tounge grazes my lips and I open my mouth slightly to let it in. As I do, he brings his arms down and wraps them around my body, picking me up and moving me from the corner of the room. He picks me up once more and I wrap my legs around his waist and he puts his hands on my butt. The kiss begins to deepen and I moan slightly. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull away.
"You still bug me a lot Hidan." I say smiling leaning my forehead agaisnt his.
"Good because you still annoy the fuck out of me."
"Ouch." I say sarcastically.

"Are you fucking done in there Hidan un!" Deidara yells through the door.
"Some people are trying to sleep you know." Sasori adds.
Hidan and I look at each other for a brief moment.
"Fuck off you two." Hidan yells.
"I'm done with my ritual" He says.
"For now." He adds and looks at me then winks. I punch him in the arm and he yelps.
"Ow dammit!"
"Is someone in there with you still un?" Deidara asks.
"What no, there isn't anyone fucking in here. Leave me the hell alone!" Hidan again yells and I softly laugh.
"Whatever un." Deidara says and I'm assuming Sasori and him leave.

"Wait where is that girl?" I ask him quietly.
"In the corner." He says pointing to a limp body.

I look at Hidan and laugh, then a yawn escapes my mouth.
"Let's go to fucking bed." Hidan says and picks me up bridal style.
"Oh I'm sleeping in your room am I?" I ask him.
"That's right got a fucking problem with it?"
"Well I need to go to my room and change." I say.
"Nah hell, you can just be in your underwear and bra right?" He asks smiling.
"You're cute but no." I say and put a hand on his cheek. He pushes on it slightly and closes his eyes. I don't think he's ever had a loving touch like this, well come to think of it, I haven't either. I look at him for another second.
"Do you have a big shirt I can wear?"
"Any one of my damn shirts will be big on you. You're so damn tiny." He says and shakes his head. He's right, I'm only 5'2 and he's got at least another foot on me. He grabs me a shirt and throws it at my face.
"Oh thanks your too kind Hidan." I say taking it in my hands.
"I fucking know I am." I change my shirt after telling Hidan to turn around then take of the shorts I had on. I crawl into the bed and Hidan soon follows.
"You know, you make my bed a whole lot more fucking comfy."
"I'm glad I do." I say. Hidan pulls me over to him and wraps his arms around me. I rest my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. I feel his Chakra and it feels so warm, and you know, this really is the best smelling and feeling chakra I've ever felt but it'd never tell him that.

I wake up the next morning and stretch. 'Where's Hidan?' I ask myself. He wasn't in his room. Just as I stand his door opens and he stands in the door way.
"Hello." He says and smirks.
"I know you own shirts so why don't you ever wear one?" I ask smiling.
"What you don't like looking at this, damn?" He says and opens his arms up.
"Nope." I say shaking my head.
"Oh alright." He says and pulls his shirt off me.
"Hidan!" I yell as he pulls the shirt on himself.
"What you wanted me to put a damn shirt on." He says nonchalantly.
"Whatever. I'm not ashamed of my body." I say putting my hands on my hips.
"You fucking shouldn't be." He says and embraces me then kissing my forehead.
"I need clothes Hidan." I mumble into his chest.
"Why the fuck do you need clothes?" He asks and gives me a look.
"Because I need to leave your room. You want Deidara or someone to see me like this?" I ask.
"Fuck no." He says and let's me go.
"Here take my cloak to walk over to your room." He says handing me his cloak.
"Alright." I zip on the black and red cloak and he smiles at me once again.
"You look fucking sexy in that."
"Well I'm not gonna ever be wearing one again so take a good look." I say smiling back at him and doing a spin.
"Why won't you just join the Akatsuki?"
"I wasn't asked." I say and open his door.
"Why is Mizuki doing wearing Hidans cloak?" Tobi asks right as I open the door completely.
"The hell Tobi? How long have you been standing here?" I ask.
"Not long, Tobi wanted Mizuki."
"Are Mizuki and Hidan dating?" He also asks.
"What no." I say walking towards my door.
"Give me a minute Tobi. And don't say you saw me in his room to anyone okay?"
"Okay." He says.
"Hidan! Why was Mizuki in your room last night!?" Tobi screams to Hidan.
'Oh brother.'

I'm enjoying writing this story. I feel like it's going to be really long but I'm 100% okay with that. How are you guys liking it so far? I hope to guys are enjoying reading it!

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