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I knew she would ask about our mission once we began on it.
"Okay so this man, his fucking name is Mahiro. He's also a Jashinist."
"What? I thought you were the only one alive still?" She asks interrupting me.
"No. Most of us went into hiding because we were being hunted. But that's beside the fucking point right now. We are to capture and kill him." I state and she just keeps looking at me.
"What did he do that was so bad anyways?" She asks frowning. I hate it when she frowns. She's much more pretty when she smiles.
"He's the one that was killing off all the Jashinists." I mumble. 'I guess it's not really beside the point.'
"He's killed a lot of my friends and for that he will die. This man.. Mahiro makes me so fucking angry. He's killed the ones I held close to me for the longest time. This is why I didn't want Mizuki to come along on this mission. He will be out to kill the both of us now.
"He doesn't event follow Jashinism anymore. But he has become too powerful for even Jashin to kill. Jashin told me one year ago that I must do this for him."
"So it was a mission from him not Leader Pain?"
"Ah well. I will do my best to help you." Mizuki says and smiles big. I smirk and shake my head slightly.
"I know you will. Let's sleep."
"I thought you wanted to pick it up where we left off in the woods?"
"Yeah well I'm fucking tired right now. We can do that when we wake up."
"I'm looking forward to it." She says softly, almost like whispering as she gets closer to me. She puts her head on my chest and puts a leg on me. I wrap my arm around her waist and put my head on the pillow behind me. 'I can't fucking loose you Mizuki. I would even give my life for you.'


"I'm looking forward to it." I wake up 5 hours later to learn more about Mahiro. I figure we will stalk him a little, see where he likes to stay. I saw a club that we passed, maybe since he's a ladies man he will like to hang out there.
"Hidan?" I say poking his cheek.
"Get away." He mumbles making me frown.
"Come on Hidan we have slept for five hours.. it's noon now." He mumbles something that I can't really make out but I'm sure it wasn't friendly.
"Hidan don't make me slap you again." I tell him.
"So you did smack me?" He says suddenly being wide awake.
"Yeah yeah." I say smirking and laughing.
"Did it hurt?" I ask laughing.
"You're gonna get it Mizuki." He says suddenly pulling me under him, so he was now on top of me.
"Oi what are you going to do Hidan?" I ask him sarcastically. He had this really insane look on his face. He answers by putting his lips on mine.

He holds my wrists firmly down on the bed as we kiss, and it soon turns to be more rough. He leaves my lips and begins to kiss my neck. Then what was kissing turns to biting and sucking. I couldn't help but to moan slightly and this seemed to only fuel Hidan more. He returns back to my lips and sits up more, letting me do so as well.

He starts to tug at my shirt and we make eye contact.
"Is this okay?"He asks. I smile lightly and take off my shirt revealing my bra. He smiles wide and begins to kiss me again. I like to see him happy.


"Fuck Mizuki why'd you make me wait so long for that?" Hidan asks as he is lying beside me.
"Because I like to torture you." I joke.
"Well I am never waiting that long ever again." He says in a serious tone.
"Well I can agree to you on that one, I should slap you more often." I tell him smiling.

We don't get up for awhile and it's now late. We decide to get up and get dressed for the club that we saw when we came here. I get dressed in a simple black tightish dress with sandals that went halfway up my calf. Hidan just put on jeans and a nice shirt. I watched him as he changed, his body is very impressive. 'I'm lucky to have you.' I think. Then he catches me looking at him.
"What you wanna fuck again?" I look at him and throw a pillow at his head.
"No! Gesh. I'm surprised I can even walk right now Hidan. I was only admiring you." I tell him. All he does is smirk.
"Come on we need to get going." I tell him as I put some kunai on the strap that was wrapped around my thigh, hidden under my dress.

We walk to the club and get in.
"So do you know what this man looks like still?" I ask Hidan. He scans the crowd and then frowns.
"I could never forget that son of a bitch." He growls pointing to a man siting at the bar that had four women around him. 'Wow he really is a ladies man and this place does indeed look not safe for women.'
"So what's the plan? Wait until he is drunk then attack?"
"Sounds fine." He says to my comment.


5 hours later and this man is still fucking drinking.
"I swear to Jashin if this man doesn't hurry up and get drunk. He's only had like 4 drinks in 5 hours." I mumble.
"He's too busy worrying about the fucking girls." Hidan adds.
"You're right. Well in that case." I say standing up from our table.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Hidan says standing up after me.
"I'm gonna go flirt a little." I say smiling.
"The hell you are." He says as he grabs my arm.
"Come on Hidan." I say looking in his beautiful eyes giving him puppy eyes but he just frowns at me.
"You know it will work." I add, returning to a straight face rolling my eyes.
"I will try to get him to come back to the apartment. We can get him there. If anything he's tipsy right now."
"I don't want you any closer to this man then you already are. I already didn't want you on this fucking mission with me."
"Hidan I told you I would help you in any way." I say putting a hand on his cheek. I gave him a peck on his other cheek and he smiled lightly but quickly tried to hide it.
"If he touches you in anyway I swear to Jashin I'm going to rip his arms off."
"He's most likely going to touch my arm or hand Hidan. But any 'sexual touches' be my guest." I tell him.
"Fine." He mumbles.

Oh great I've never done anything like this. I can't flirt on comand it just kind of happens. I hope I can do this.


I watch Mizuki as she walks over to Mahiro. I hope she can do this, and that man better not fucking touch her.. she's mine not his. Her dress is way to short.. and tight. Only I should be able to see her like this, I hate that she is with him.. when she is looking so fucking great.

I watch as she goes up to Mahiro and introducing herself. She sits down right beside him and he stares at her smiling. 'I already don't like how he is fucking looking at her.' He tells all the other girls around him to leave. 'Oh great he really likes her.'

They begin talking and I can tell he already likes her a lot and feels comfortable with her. They talk for ten minutes until that fucker puts his hand on her thigh.
"That's it!" I yell. Mizuki snaps her head to me and holds up a hand, mouthing to me telling me to stop. Mahiro barley recognizes what's going on because he is now drunk. He's had three shots and they put him over the edge. She whispers something in his ear that makes him grin. 'What the hell did she just tell that fucker?' He nods at her and grabs her hand as she guides him out of the club. I quickly follow behind as she takes a turn for a dead end alley as I could see she was having problems with him walking. 'Smart.'


It was too easy to take him down. That's what we both thought as he died from the stab wound in his heart that I had given him. Mizuki had been keeping guard to make sure no one interfered.

"Too easy." I mumble.

"Too easy?" I ask Hidan.
"Yes that was too fucking easy. He shouldn't have died that quickly and easily. Even if he was drunk he should have put up more of a fight." He says.
"He was a Jashinist after all." I lean down to Mahiro and feel over his body. I close my eyes and sigh.
"Poison." I mumble.
"What?" He says quite loudly.
"He had been posioned. Maybe two hours ago.. or drugged." I say more clearly to him and open my eyes.
"We were with him for the past 5 hours.. who did it?"
"Who would have fucking poisoned him?" He adds.
"How the hell am I supposed to know?" I ask him. He gives me a glare and I only shrug my shoulders. I go to back to feel again.
"Fuck." I say standing up and backing up slowly. I would know this kind of poison anywhere.
"What is it Mizuki?" Hidan asks me. And all I say is one word, well rather a name.

The only name that makes me shudder.

The only name that absolutely terrifies me and makes me shake.


Undying Love (Hidan Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang