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It's midnight now and Hidan and I are laying in bed just talking to each other.
"You wanna go give some sacrafices?" He asks me. I swear this man loves this religion of ours. No wonder Jashin named him his favorite follower.
"Yeah sure." I say and smile. I sit up and wrap the blanket around my body. I stand up and walk over to my clothes.
"You don't have to cover yourself. It's not like I didn't just see everything." Hidan says from behind me. I roll my eyes and drop the blanket to put on my underwear and sports like bra.
"I know that." I say.
"Then why'd you do it?" He asks as I put on my pants.
"I like to upset you." I say and laugh. He starts to walk towards me until we hear a loud explosion.
"The fuck?"
"Hidan.. Mizuki come on!" We hear Deidara yell.
"Dammit are we under attack?" I ask Hidan as we are running out the door. I made sure to grab my cloak first as he did also. There were only a few Akatsuki members at the base, as most of them were out on missions.

We get to the scene and see a large part of the hideout was destroyed.
"Who the hell did this?" I ask angerly.
"My my Mizuki.. you have grown into quite the young lady." I hear a man say too close to my liking. I cringe as I hear the voice. But I see no one standing around us.. only the Akatsuki members.
"Where is he?" I ask Hidan softly.
"I don't know." He said zipping up his cloak. I go to put mine on but a kunai knife takes it and pins it to a far tree. I begin to sense for their bodies. 'Oh fantastic.'
"Shit." I mumble.
"What's wrong?" Hidan asks.
"Kabuto is hiding their chakra. I can't sense, or see anything." I mumble. Just then paper bombs rain down on us and we move to escape them. Hidan and I get separated as we both jump to a different tree.
"Why don't you just come back to me and all this will be over?" He asks me.
"Go to hell Orochimaru!" I yell
"Now now that's no way to speak to the man who raised you." He says to me.
"I never saw you that way and you know it! Why don't you just show yourself?" Just as I say this he shows up on top of the Akatsuki base.
"My old home. So tragic I have to destroy it." He says. Just then the hideout begins to crumble beneath him. As I'm focused on that he sends his snake arm my way. I look up just in time to avoid it but then it turns to go after Hidan.
"Hidan watch out!" I yell. Again just in time he avoids it. 'Thank goodness.' While I have my guard down Kabuto must have come up behind me because wraps his arms around my body keeping my arms down at side.
"Let me go Kabuto!" I yell.
"Lord Orochimaru wants you back, if you value your new friends lives you would come without anymore fighting. I look around to see some of Orochimaru's other experiments fighting with the Akatsuki. My eyes land on Hidan. I don't want him of all people to get hurt. Then I look at Deidara. I don't want him to get hurt either. I don't want any of them to get hurt.

"Now Mizuki." I hear Orochimaru say. Kabuto let's me turn around to see him. They must be messing with my chakra sensing because I can't sense their movements at all.

"You don't want the man you love to get killed do you?"
"Hidan cannot die." I say smartly.
"Oh there is a way, you know me. I have a way of getting what I want. But your other friends.. they can die easily right?" He asks me.
"Orochimaru I swear to Jashin if you hurt them I..."
"Jashin? My Mizuki is a Jashinist now? I would love to see of the changes that did to you." He says.
"I do like how you dress now." He adds motioning to my sports bra. My eyes widen and I back up slightly. I take a deep breathe and exhale slowly.
"I agree." Kabuto whispers in my ear sending a displeasing chill through my body.
"If I go.. you don't hurt any of them. Especially Hidan."
"So you are in love Mizuki." Orochimaru says in a humerus tone. I look at him with disgust then turn my head.
"Of course I won't hurt them if you don't want me to." He says smiling. I stare at him for a few seconds. 'Dammit'
"Ok fine. I'll go."
"No Mizuki this is just what he wants!" Sasori yells. Just then all of Orochimaru's experiments back off.
"That's the point." I mumble softly. No one probably heard me. Just then Orochimaru is kicked off the tree right in front of me.
"He let his guard down." Hidan says smirking. 'Thank you Hidan.'

I look at him with a big smile on my face until Kabuto comes from behind me and holds a kunai up to my neck.
"The slightest cut will kill you, it's best if you don't move at all Mizuki. I have a poison that can kill even Hidan. If he comes any closer I will use it agaisnt him." He whispers in my ear. Hidan starts to run but I hold up my hand.
"Don't move Hidan.. please just let me go." I tell him with pleading eyes. I start to back up into Kabuto and he backs up as well.
"Good choice." Orochimaru says coming to my side.
"I won't let him take you Mizuki!" Hidan yells.
"Hidan what don't you understand? I'm doing this for the safety for all of you. You guys are my family now, I hate for me to be the reason for you guys to be hurt. Especially you Hidan.. thank you for showing me I was actually capable of loving someone." I say. Just then Kabuto throws down a small bomb sending smoke everywhere making Hidan disappear before my eyes.
I feel myself being lifted up, then wind was soon blowing my hair back.
'I can't believe I'm actually going back.'


"No Mizuki!" I scream as the smoke surrounds us. I start to run after her but I feel arms hold me back.
"We have to wait. We can't just go running after her. Especially in our condition." Deidara says to me. I look back and see him and Sasori holding me back.
"Let me fucking go!" I yell to them.
"Do you want Mizuki to be killed Hidan!?" Deidara yells to me.
"He will kill you and her if you try to go after her." He adds.
"He wouldn't ever kill her.. only me. She needs to be safe." I tell him.
"Can I let you go now un?" Deidara asks. I nod my head slowly and he let's me go. Just then the other Akatsuki members show up. 'Shit now I can't run off.'
They all stand around and speak of plans to go and retrieve her.
"Can we actually do something and not just fucking talk about it?" I yell. It's killing me to just stand here knowing she's out there with him.
"Running into it with no plan could get her killed, or one of us for that matter." Konan says.
"We must be smart about this." She adds.
"I guess." I mumble.
"I just want to make sure she will be safe again."
"Yes, trust me that's what I want too. You're not the only one who cares about her Hidan." Konan says to me.

This would be so much easier if Pein were here. He could take Orochimaru out with no problem but he left hours ago for a mission. The only Akatsuki here are myself, Konan, Deidara, and Sasori, even Kakazu is out right now.

"We need to first find out where he is taking her." Sasori says.
"She told me about his recent hideout. He's most likely there." I tell him.
"Then let's start there un." Deidara says nodding his head. I glare at him.
"Look Hidan I want her back just as much as you, we all do. Deal with the fact that other people are going to help." He growls.
"Look I know about your little crush on Mizuki, she's mine you hear me? Mine. She will never be yours alright?"


I can't believe this is happening to me all over again.

I'm being strapped to a table that I'm all to familiar with. "My little Mizuki is such a beautiful young lady now." Orochimaru says as he caresses my cheek with his hand. I turn head away from his touch. "Don't make me torture you again." He says harshly.
"Isn't that what you plan to do to me?" I ask confused. "No. Not yet anyways. This is simply to teach you a lesson." Kabuto says. "You will stay like this all night then be released. Sleep tight Mizuki." Kabuto says says laughing then leaves the room. "Don't mind Kabuto, he's changed since you left." "Yeah but he's still creepy as fuck." I say then turn to Orochimaru. "Just like you." "You still have that bad mouth of yours I see." He growls to me. "I could make it so you can never want to speak again.. don't talk to me like that." He says as a snake wraps around my neck. I stare at him as it does. "You won't kill me Orochimaru, I know you need someone like me." "Of course." He says then leaves the room. Just as he leaves the snake begins to tighten again. Once again I gasp for air. 'Well this fucking sucks. How am I going to endure this a night?'

2 hours into it. Every other or so minute was spent with the snake tightening it's grip on my neck. 1 minute on 3 minutes off. Yes, I counted the seconds.. so I would know when it was going to begin and when I knew it would end. But it's going to be a long ass night.

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