20|So you like Donald Trump?

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Please note that I will only be writing about the main character and not her family but some of them will POP up from time to time..... carry on my beautiful potato children.


Stacey's P.O.V.

Today is the day, the day that I'm going to get married to the love of my life Disney Land. Got 'em didn't I. But yeah today we're all going to disney land. I'm so flipping excited, I get to go with my bestfriend and my boyfriend things couldn't get any worse than this.

"Hannah!" I say knocking loudly on her bedroom door.

She opens it harshly glaring at me. "What?"

"We're going to Disney Land!!" I say jumping.

She stares blankly at me shutting the door in my face.

"What a bitch!" I mumble.

"Heard that!"

I roll my eyes then head to the kitchen to get some food. I was feeling very light-headed lately due to the fact that my body didn't want to take in the food that I was eating so I kept vomiting out my breakfast, lunch and dinner.

That doctor needs some more medical school.

I walk into the kitchen to see my aunt's preparing breakfast with Ray while they laughed at something he had said.

I highly doubt it was THAT funny.

I roll my eyes but it brought a huge smile to my face after seeing that he was getting along with some of my family members.

Ain't no way in hell is he getting 'along' with Paris. I trust him but I just don't trust the she-bitch.

"Buon giorno il mio bellissimo angelo, vuole la prima colazione?" Ray says looking at me smiling.

I look at him in utter confusion. "Buon what?"

He laughs lightly before walking up to me and kissing me on the forehead. "You want some breakfast?"

I nod my head while walking us both to my aunts who were gushing over us like teenage fan girls.

One of my aunt's who obviously has a huge crush on Ray pushed me away just to pinch and kiss him on the cheeks.


"Principessa, di tua zia mi vuole parlare nella mia lingua." Ray says walking to me.

What the fuq? How am I supposed to understand?!?!?!

"Wait....." I stop looking him dead in the eye. "I thought you only speak French."

He looks smugly at me before replying. "I do, my mum is French and my dad is Italian born and raised!" He says smirking.

Oohh Italian sausage!
NO!   Have some self control Stacey.

"Speak in french then!" I smirk at him. I've had two years of learning French I think I know what a croissant is....I think!

"La princesse, ne pense pas que je suis juste quelques saucisses italiennes qui ne connâit même pas sa propre langue de la mére ! Ce serait honteux n'est-ce pas?" He says raising an eyebrow while smirking. ( Princess, don't think that I'm just some Italian sausage who doesn't even know his own mother's language! That would be shameful wouldn't it?)

I give up I fucking give up!

"Quel que soit l'âne stupide maintenant faire mon petit déjeuner vous parlant italien sexy mec!" I say crossing my arms and pouting.(Whatever stupid ass now make me breakfast you sexy speaking Italian dude.)

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