02| Stalker Ray

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"Stace hollup!"

What the fu-

"Stace!?" "There you are! I've been giving people hell trying to find your crazy ass!!" Hannah said while trying to catch her breath.

"What the hell did you run a marathon??" I asked.

"Yes you beej now lets go I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." She said.


"What the hell! You're such a dork you know that!" She said while smirking.

"Only for you beej!" I wink.






"U-umm Stace Ray's like eye raping you right now!!" Hannah said while taking a bite out of her burger.

"What your kidding right??" I asked.

"Nope his been doing that ever since Middle school I think a certain gang leader has a huge crush on a certain 'Streetfighter' Don't you know!?" She said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh shut up and anyways his my brother's friend I wouldn't do that to them!!" I said feeling gooey and giddy....such a strange feeling.

*Ring *Ring

"Gosh I have Home Economics next!" I said feeling bored cause Hannah's not in this class.

"Well see you in the afternoon! Are you coming for my 'thing' this evening to watch me??!" I say using air quotes on the 'thing'.

"Hell yeah can't wait to watch you kick some ass!!" Hannah said while fist pumping the air.

"Well ok then gotta go see ya!"

"See ya!"




"Aahh Miss. Presley always early as usual I see!" My home economics teacher Mr. Peru says, an amused look on his face.

"Hello there Sir, I'll just go sit down now!" I say freaked.

God that teacher scares the skeleton out of me.... yeeesshh.

I take my seat at the back of the class while the rest of the students make their way into the class. Unfortunately 'eye raping' Ray sits next to me in all of the classes he has with me. Let me just fill you in on the hole 'Ray' situation here.

Well his half Italian half French, 6'5 Brown hair thats oh so gorgeous I could so do it but that would look messed up, Single 'yay me' note the sarcasm and has beautiful grey eyes unbelievably gorgeous I tell you.

Enough damn you raging hormones.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Mr. Peru spoke up.

"Okay class this year you'll be doing a group project!! And be making cake! BUT I'll be the one that gets to pick your partners so listen up!" He said while the class just kept on complaining about making cake.

Queen Of SpadesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora