08|Apologies, Wrong guys and stupid brothers

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Stacey's P.O.V.

Uurgghh today's the day I have to apologise to Ray. The dreaded day of the week is now fucking Tuesday I don't know why Hannah had to like Ray I mean I know his hot and shit and it was kinda my fault for snapping. Which reminds me I have a fight tonight to let out some of my steam.

Okay I think I spot him but his not looking at me. His face was towards the locker but I'm just gonna go there and just apologize.

'Phew here goes nothing'

"Look Ray I know I was such a bitch to you yesterday but come on aren't all girls bitchy I mean take Hannah for example that girls a bitch I mean no offense to her...but I think you get my drift don't you and I know you wouldn't wanna talk to me after this but please take this as a sign that I really like you!" I say all in one breath. Damn and they say girls have no proper talent. HA! Take that fuckers.

"I would really like to accept your apology but I'm not Ray!"

"Wait then who are you?" I ask.

Mysterious guy turns around and BAAYUM! Hello there sexy man. I got my eyeballs on you boi.

"The names Tony. Tony Levine." He says with a smirk.

"Wait!" I start.

"Yup I'm Adam Levine's cousin."

"No dude I'm more concerned about speaking my heart out again damn why does this shit happen to me goddamit!?" I say while stomping my feet.

"No need princess I heard every single thing and I accept your apology but I also need to apologize for what I said to you that was a dick move princess forgive me?" Ray asks behind me.

"Ray!"I squeal as I turn around and hug him.

"I must admit that, that was such a dick move!" I say.


"Hhm?" I hum.

"Your blocking my pulse!" He says.

"Oh sorry forgot to un-hug you ha ha!" I say blushing.

"Before you two get all sexed up my name's Tony!" Tony says as he greets Ray with a bro hug. Or whatever they do.

"Okay I'm going to class before you TWO get sexed up!" I say as I walk in between them to get to my first period class.

"She always like this?" I hear Tony ask.

"You have no idea bro!" Ray replies.

"The both of you have no idea!" I mumble.


It's fucking final I'm gonna kill that stupid idiot, Lemmie get you guys up to date. So today my identical but stupid as fuck twin decided it was funny to send all my baby photos to the whole fucking school Yup and guess what I was not a cute kid I had the annoying little girl next door theme with the pig tails and braces, taking the free opportunity, of course he would fucking do it, just because I stole from his secret candy stash, he is such a kid sometimes that it sickens me.

I'm currently making my way towards the cafeteria to fucking show him who the boss is in the family.


"Oh it's so wonderful to see you little sis!" Seth says as he puts his feet on top of the table like he own the place. Bitch can't even buy his own underpants.

"Bitch we both came out the same time!" I say bluntly.

"Now! now! we all know your still younger cause your a girl!" He says acting like a high class man from the hunger games.

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