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+the last three chapters have been a small back story. I had forgotten to add that in the titles but I have made the changes needed. THIS CHAPTER IS NOT A FOLLOW UP FROM THE LAST. THIS IS A YEAR LONG TIMESKIP+

You yawned stretching. You looked around and saw Hobi lying next to you. You rubbed your eyes and got up. When you walked into the kitchen you saw Jin was cooking food. "Good morning Jin Oppa." You sat on the counter. "Good morning Y/N. I made your favorite food for you." You brightened at his simple words. "Thank you, you really the best." He smiled blushing slightly at the compliment.

"Not as good as me of course."

His smile dropped and he threatened to smack you with his spatula. "Ah, sorry. My apologies, Prince Jin." He hummed satisfied with your new answer. "That is what I like to hear, Princess Y/N." He ruffled your hair before turning back to the stove.

You finished your meal, helping Jin clean up. "Thank you for helping Y/N. Could you wake up the others? The food is ready." You nodded skipping off to the shared bedroom. You went to Namjoon first, him being the easiest to wake up."Namjoonie wake up. Jin Oppa made breakfast." You whispered in his ear.

He moved around letting out a long grown. "Wake up. I won't let you....hug me the rest of the day." "Shut up. You love my amazing hugs." He grumbled finally waking up. "That's the Namjoonie I know. Jin Oppa made food, eat it before it gets cold." He got up going straight to the kitchen. Next, Hobi

"J-Hope wake up." He rubbed his eyes looking at you. You looked down at him. His eyes still clouded with tiredness. He smiled at you before face planting into his pillow again. "Hobo wake up." You begged pulling on his arm. "Fine.......give me five more minutes." He said. You signed giving up. "Ok, but only five." "You're the best Y/N. I love you.~" You waved your hand at the comment. "Yeah, yeah."

"Chim Chim wake up." You ruffled his orange hair but he still slept soundly. "Chim Chim, please." You whined. You pinched his cute chubby cheeks which made him stir. "I swear to god Taehyung if that's yo-oh hello Y/N." His once threatening tone turned sweet. "N/N, did you sleep well? I sure did. I thought of our future together. Tiny little Jimin's and Y/-" "Ok shut up." You cut him off. "Get up Jin Oppa made food for you guys." You informed him but he pouted. "I wish I was older." He said pouting. "That way you could call me oppa." You rolled your eyes. "Just eat." He smiled an eye smile getting up, in the process pecking your cheek. You shook your head before going to wake the other young ones.

"Jungkookie and Tae wake up. There's food in kitchen eat it before it gets cold." You saw both of them shift in their spots. "Come on guys get up." You grabbed the closest pillow smacking them.


Tahyung let out an ear piercing scream causing you to drop our weapon, at the same the two stood up. They smacked you with their pillows laughing as you curled into a defense ball.

"You. Little. Shits!" You kicked both of them in the stomach making them back up. You grabbed them both by the ear as they continued laughing. "Eat the damn food!" You kicked them both out of the room closing te door. You turned back to Hobi who was watching the scene in amusement.

"Get the fuck up before I kick you out, too."

He scrambled up out of bed hugging you before leaving. "Weirdo." You muttered before walking to Yoongi's bed.

"Yoongs, get up. Jin Oppa made breakfast." He rubbed his eyes before looking up at you. "What?" You laughed at his confused expression. "Food is ready." You looked down to his stomach, which was wrapped in band-aids. "He really got you. Does it hurt a lot?" He shook his head. "No, I'm gonna give him twice more pain though. He hit you too." He said with a scowl. "It was just a slap." He rolled his eyes sitting up. "Slap my ass (dont mind if I do(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), you should've seen your face. If we didn't hold Tae back that man would've been dead by now." You helped him stand up and walked him to the door.

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