Chapter 28

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Chapter 28>> She's not dead, she's petrified.

Song of the chapter>> the writing's on the wall by Sam Smith

Why the bloody hell is there blood on the wall? And what the bloody hell is the 'Chamber of Secrets'?!?

"What's that thing hanging beneath?" Ron quivers.

"Are you being a twat right now Ronald? There is words written with blood on the wall and all you can ask is what is hanging bene-EW!" I exclaim turning to see what looks like Mrs Norris, Filches' cat hanging by its tail on a torch bracket.

"Let's get outta here." I say making my move to turn around, only to be grabbed by Hermione.

"Shouldn't we try to help-" Harry begins awakwardly.

"Trust me, we don't want to be round her when Filch comes." Ron states.

It was too late. The sound of elephant charging, echoed the halls and soon many students-presumably exiting the feast- crowded round us, staring, flabbergasted at the sight. Malfoy steeped forward.

"Enemies of the heir beware?" Said Draco. "You better watch out, you'll be next mud-bloods."

A fire sparked in Fred and George's eyes, and I nearly lunged for him. Yet, someone began to push through the crowd.

"What's going on here? What is going on?"

Attracted by no doubt Malfoys shout, Filch slid through the crowd and soon his eyes filled with tears and fury. He had spotted the cat.

"My cat! My cat! You! You've murdered  my cat! I'll kill you! I will! I'll kill you!" He shrieked grazing his spindly, wrinkled index finger over Harry.


Dumbledore had arrived along with the whole party of teachers. In moments he had glided past the four of us and detached Mrs Norris from the bracket.

"Come with me Argus. You too, Mr Potter, Miss Granger, Mr Weasley and Miss Waterstone."

Lockhart stepped forward instantly, eagerness written across his face like a tattoo.

"My office is nearest, Headmaster. Please feel free to use i-"

"Thank you, Gilderoy." Albums Dumbledore interrupted.

The shocked and silent crowd parted to let us through, Lockhart smiling broadly-feeling important. Dumbledore  led the way, McGonagall and Snape trailing behind as do us four.

I catch the twins' eyes and they shake their heads and look away-avoiding eye contact. What the hell?

We entered Blondies office and there was a flurry of movement on the walls. Many of Lockharts' portraits hid, them all trying to hide the rollers present in their hair. Headmaster, laid the cat of a clear desk and examined it.

"It was definitely a curse that killed her- probably Transmogrfian Torture. I've seen it used many times, so unlucky I wasn't there, I know the very counter-cures that would have her..."

Blondies' rambles were punctuated by Filchs loud and melancholy sobs. He slumped in a chair by the desk staring at his late cat- Mrs Norris.

Oh come on! What are we even doing here?! We did jack shit to the bloody animal!

"....I remember something very similar happening in Ouagadougou," Lockhart continued, "a series of attacks, the full story's in my autobiography. I was able
to provide the townsfolk with various amulets which cleared the matter up at once.."

I am who? // HP & Weasley twins *COMPLETED* *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now