Chapter 45

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Recommended Songs-

Say Something - Christiana Aguilera & A Great Big World

Never Say Never- The Fray

One Life - Justin Bieber

Phobe P.O.V-

My heart beats faster against my chest as I bolt into the hospital with Debbie close by behind me. My tears are running along my cheeks as we rush inside, people give us glares and I feel as if I'm in the same position as I was two years ago with the man I love possibly dying somewhere close by but yet so far away.

We rush over to the receptionist, my hands shaking as I speak, "We're here for Jackson Clarks..." My voice cracks at the mention of his name. The lady eyes us and responds, "Only family is allowed."

"I'm his mother, please! We need to see my son!" Debbie cries.

"Fifth floor, room seventy two. But the doctors aren't allowing guest.." She warns, pointing towards the elevator. We thank her and head towards the area given. When we arrive in the hallway, outside the room,
its quiet, miserable and plain like a mental hospital would be. My eyes dart from every single door, searching for a nurse or any doctor. But no one to be in sight.

I want to scream out his name, to have him telling me it's alright his alive, to have him stroking through my messy hair and leaving his warm kisses down my neck. My hand travels to the small love bite he had once left, before it was hurting and warm but now it's only a small bump.

My legs weaken and I let myself fall into the dark plastic seat behind me, breathing as if I just ran a marathon. My eyes hurt from the crying, my throat is dry but even tho I hadn't said anything, even a small whisper because I couldn't... No matter how much I wanted to scream for Jackson, I couldn't because I didn't believe it.

I had already missed his scent, the way his muscular arms was placed around me carefully. Even tho he was all muscular and strong, he had a soft touch that I loved. I haven't been apart from him for this long in a long while.. And I'm hoping it's not any longer.
Goosebumps appear on my bare arms and legs as I become impatient for the doctors. Debbie wraps an arm over my shoulders, sobbing as well as myself. I reach over to her arm and try calm her down as I try stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks and landing onto my skirt but of course I can't.

Suddenly we hear echoes of someone's heels hitting against the laminex floor. Debbie and I turn our heads to see Steven, pale as ever and a concerned look on his face. I sit there with my lips parted wanting to say anything but cannot because of the shock and horror that's taken over me, instead I watch as his wife approachs him and cries into his chest as mumbles something's and tugs softly onto the dark fabric of his buttoned shirt.

An hour of waiting and misery passes in the depressing hall but still nothing. The doctor says that Jackson is still being operated on in the emergency room and that the doctors are doing the best they can for him to survive. I've sat here for the pasted hour praying that his okay and breathing,
without him I'm nothing. He showed me freedom and love, hope and trust, lies and drama.. We've faced our ups and downs and that's what brought us even closer..

"Jackson," I mumble in a low whisper.

"Don't leave me, please don't..".

I then hear wheels moving against the floors, a hospital bed surrounded by doctors and a few nurses. Wires attached to the body lying on the bed. His hand hangs from the side, the same hand I've held before.

"Jackson!" I'm on my feet and running towards him with my tears running down my cheeks. I manage to take his hand in mine, his lifeless cold hand and I freeze as I'm pulled away from him.

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