Chapter 28

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I found myself on Max's couch, Max appears before I'm widely awake.
"Hey, you..." He moves hair away from my eyes and I sighs. "Hey..." I groan, my eyes feel heavier then usual and I slowly sit up, crossing my legs.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, watching me.

"Like an idiot.." I answer him.

"Your not the idiot, Pheebs. He is.." He runs my back as I lean my head on his shoulder, holding back my tears.

"You never said you were friends with him.." I mention.

"You never told me he was the guy you were talking about when I first brought you here." He comments.

"I didn't know you knew him." I respond.
"Everyone knows him." He chuckles.
"I'm not completely mates with him..My mates hang with him, so his sorta in the group." He shrugs.

"Is it true...? He picks girls then uses them..?" I ask, sniffling and sitting up.
"Yes..." He looks at me and pulls me close as an tear rolls down my cheek.
"Phobe, your tears aren't worth crying over that prick."

I look up at Max and give him a small hug before getting up. "I'm just going to wash my face.." I smile weakly.
"Okay.." He answers. "I'll put an movie on for us to watch."
I nod and head upstairs to the bathroom, where I wash my face with warm water. I look up at my reflection and my eyes are bloodshot.

"My movie." Max smirks before getting under the blanket we threw on ourselves. I dig my hand in the bowl of popcorn and Max opens his mouth, I throw at least all of them and he only manages to get three in.
"Thanks." He laughs and I join him before we start watching the movie.

I don't really get what's going on in the film right now so I decide to go on my phone. I've got at least fifth teen missed calls from Jackson.

I switch my phone off and look over at Max, who's deeply into the movie.
I close my eyes for a bit to rest them, after what feels like a few minutes Max speaks, "Best movie, right?".
I open my eyes again and chuckle.
He smirks and switches off the T.V.

"Max I should probably get back home.." I say, sighing.
"It's not fair to always crash at your place."

"It's fine... And you could stay any day you want." He grins. "But if something happens between you and Jackson, call me."

"I will.." I smile slightly and stand to my feet. "Your still going school?" He asks. "Yeah, I have too. Or being home may kill me." It's strange referring the Clarks house as a home.. Especially since I never pictured to be.

"Come on, lets go." He grins, standing to his feet.I chuckle and grab my bag off the floor. We walk out of the house and get in the car.
We drive onto the road and in about five minutes, I notice the Clarks house up ahead in the distance.
I feel my stomach turn upside down as I see Jacksons car parked outside, behind Trent's.

"We could turn back?" Max suggests, noticing me shift uncomfortably.
"No, no.. It's okay." I tell him, he nods and parks outside the house before getting out and walking around the car. He opens my door for me and moves to the side. "Thanks." I smile and close the door, I take a deep breath before walking towards the house with Max behind me.

"Well, thank you for your help.." I grin, turning to him as we reach the large door.

"Hey it's fine." He chuckles, I give him an friendly hug and pull away.
"Want me to pick you up tomorrow?" He asks. I nod slowly and answer him, "If you really want to wake up early."
He rolls his eyes and gives me another quick hug before walking off towards his car. "I'll text you soon, Pheebee." He laughs and gets in, I wave him a pathetic goodbye before knocking on the door, softly.

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