Chapter 19

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The next couple of days are quiet, boring and less entertaining.
Vincent is staying a hotel, we promised to meet up later on after school.
Jackson hasn't been around lately, and I haven't got in contact with him.
Trent is with his dad on a small vacation, they'll be back soon but it'll make no difference.

I've been at home, doing my assignments and helping around the place. I've got some alone time fitted in and decided to go for a drive around Seattle.
I ended up getting lost so Cassidy had to come find me.

I sit outside and with hope wait for Jacksons car to pull up.
Every car that goes by, I stand to my feet excitedly hoping to see him.
But there's no luck, I try call him and I'm put to voicemail.
I try text him, he wouldn't answer.
Debbie is worried too. She called Steven up and told him about Jackson.
He said they'll try make it back home tomorrow evening.

I miss him and wish he'll come back, I haven't seen him since the day Vincent surprised me with his visit.

"Hey." Vincent's voice comes from behind me. I turn my head to see him smiling as he accompany's me on the balcony.
"Hey." I take my lip between my teeth and sit up. "What's wrong?" He asks and pulls out a spare chair from the corner. "Nothing..." I lie and pull on a smile but it quickly fades.
"How's the homework stuff?" He says, changing the subject. "Quite good, how's things at the hotel?" I look up at him.
"Fair enough." He grins.
I watch another black BMW pass.
Not Jackson.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He clearly notices that something's wrong.
"Okay.." I mumble and try stand on my feet.

Jackson Point Of View.

I wake up to find myself in an small room, the walls colourless and old with the cracks covered with white sticky tape.
The small window lets a little amount of sunlight into the room, the smell of alcohol and smoke fill my nose as I move off the old bed.

Last night was fun. The only moment I actually could have fun was when I got drunk.
I quickly grab my clothes and get dressed, I make my way out as a blonde girl makes her way towards me.
"I had a good night last night, babe." She smirks.
"So did I." I wink, she licks her lips and runs her fingers down my chest.
She moves away as she hears a car door slam shut. "Shit, Trevor's here!" She quickly pulls on shirt from the floor and looks over at me.
"You have to go for now, your welcome back any other time tho." She tugs my shirt slightly then pushes me away.
"Will do baby." I walk out from the back and quickly get in my car.
I start the car and start driving, towards some small town.
Phobe flashes into my mind. Everything I heard replays again.
"He'll hurt you and damage you."
I pull over near a bar and place my hands over my face.
I will hurt her? I will damage her?
I don't fucking think so.
But fucking she sure knows how to.
Phobe, fuck you.
I don't give a fuck anymore.
I'll play this game, along with you.
Don't you worry.

Anyone like the new chapter!?!
I hope you do :) Sorry again for the shortness, it's getting late and I've pretty much decided to leave it like this :) Updating again tomorrow :D xx

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