"(Y/N) I haven't seen you all day. Is everything okay?" He said as he sat next to me. "Yes I'm okay. I've just been holed up in the bone room taking notes. I took out my notebook and showed him. "These are excellent notes (Y/N). These are quite amazing" he closed the notebook and placed it on my lap. "Is that your lunch?" He pointed to my sandwich. "Yes. I don't want to waste any time away from the case." I sighed and he put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.

"(Y/N) don't think I haven't noticed your lack of appetite." I sighed and looked at him. "I don't know what it is. I've been light headed lately and I feel nauseous" I was interrupted by Hodgins walking into the lounge. "Maybe you're pregnant" he said.

I choked on a piece of my sandwich. "I'm not pregnant Hodgins" I saw a nervous look on Zacks face. We haven't had sex. God knows I've thought of it. Not to be weird, but I found Zack extremely attractive and from what I've observed i think he would be excellent in bed. (I sound so weird writing this omg)

"I'm not pregnant Hodgins" I insisted. "Oh wait. You guys haven't had sex yet have you?" My face went red, and Zacks went red as well. "Oh wow" Hodgins laughed. I was so embarrassed I stood up to leave, but before I could make my way out of the lounge I felt light headed, and my vision blurred. Everything went dark and I fell to the ground.

I woke up in the couch in Dr. Brennan's office, everyone surrounding me. Zack sat next to the couch, his hand in mine. I groaned, and Zack whipped his head up. "(Y/N) it's ok we are here" I nodded and closed my eyes again. "I tested your blood levels while you were unconscious (Y/N). Are you aware that you have Anemia?" I sat up and looked at dr. Brennan. "I haven't taken my pills in a few weeks" I said. It's true. I hadn't been taking them. I just kept forgetting. "Um I'm sorry am I the only one who doesn't know what anemia is?" Booth said. I looked at booth. "I blood is low in iron" I said. He nodded. "I got you another prescription of Iron Pills. I'm assuming you have them at home?" I nodded again. "Well I want you to keep a case of pills here at the lab." Brennan continued. "That sounds like a good idea" I said.

I stood up and looked at Hodgins. "Hodgins, will you give me a ride to my apartment" he nodded and stood up as well.

I went home and took my pills, while Hodgins walked around my apartment. "So what exactly is it about Zack?" He said. "I think it's the feeling of someone who doesn't really show emotions or likes anyone else, showing those feelings towards you. He's factual and blunt but caring and kind." I said looking in my mirror. I saw Hodgins appear in the bathroom doorway. "Yea but have you seen him?" He said.

"I happen to find Zack extremely attractive" I said. Hodgins laughed and made his way into the kitchen. "Ummm" I heard.

"Hodgins what is it?" "So I think you should come here" I left the bathroom and walked over to where I saw Hodgins, my kitchen window. "Look"

I looked outside and saw a large black van parked in the front of my apartment. A man was in the process of opening the back of it, pulling out a large bag. "That doesn't look good" he said. I nodded in agreement. The man walked into the building and we could tell he had a gun. Hodgins ran to the door. He locked it, and I grabbed a chair from my kitchen table, propping it against the door. I went into my bedroom, reached under my bed for my gun, but felt it wasn't there.

"Hodgins!" I yelled. He ran into the room. "My gun it's gone!" He looked around quickly and ran to my closet. "Do you have any other weapons?" He said. "I-i think I have a baseball bat in my closet" he opened my closet doors, frantically looking for the bat. "How do we even know that that guy is coming to my apartment?" I said.

"Zack has been making observations of your apartment. He said that he has been seeing the same black van, driving away from your apartment every time he comes here after. He told me that he's been noticing objects missing." I looked at Hodgins in shock. "(Y/N) there is someone stalking you." I picked up my phone and called Zack. "Please pick up please pick up" as I heard his voicemail I heard a knocking on my door, but then a pound, like someone was trying to body slam it down. "Goddamn it!" I yelled. I looked at Hodgins and saw he was trying to call Booth. "Get in the closet come on" he grabbed me and pulled me into the closet. I hadn't noticed that earlier while Hodgins was in my kitchen he had grabbed a knife.

"How good is your swing?" He said nervously. "I played softball my whole childhood" I said. "Ok. You take the bat" he handed me the bat and I took a good grip on it. I picked up my phone and tried calling Zack. Oh god please pick up.

I finally heard the sound I had been internally begging for. "Hello?" Zack said.

"Zack" I said, almost in tears. "There's someone trying to break in my apartment" I said. In the background you could hear the sound of someone trying to knock down my door. "Booth, Brennan, Angela and I are on our way" I started to sob. "It's going to be okay just listen to my voice" he said.

"Help me Zack" I whispered. "O-okay stay on the phone with me. Where are you exactly?" He said. "I'm in the closet with Hodgins" I heard a door slam over the phone, telling me that they were getting into their car. "Is anyone hurt?" I heard booth yell. "No we are okay but there is someone trying to break the door down" I said. I looked over at Hodgins and he was breathing heavily. Suddenly I heard the door break open and loud footsteps.

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