Jason Todd x reader x Tim Drake

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This one is kinda based on the game Arkham Knight, I don't know it very well but bear with me again pls.
W/o/c=weapon of choice
O/n/n=other nickname if you have one

Y/n's pov

       Jason's dead? he can't be. I stared at the screen, tears poured down my cheeks, Bruce enveloped me in a tight hug, "he can't be dead, Bruce," I whispered "he can't be," "I'm sorry, Y/n," said Bruce "he is," I buried my face into his chest and sobbed.

        Many days past by, Bruce and Dick came to my room once in awhile to see if I'm alright, most of the time I'll have my back turned to the door with my knees up to my chest. Why did death have to claim you Jay? my jaybird, my hero. I heard knocking on my door "Ms. Y/n, Master Bruce wishes to see you in the Batcave," said Alfred "I'll be there in a few minutes, Alfred," I said softly, Alfred's footsteps disappeared and I got up. 

       I took care of myself a bit and headed to the Batcave, once there, the first thing er person I should rather say is a boy. The boy looked up "who are you?" he asked "shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" I asked, he opened his mouth to answer but Bruce cut him off, "ah, Y/n, finally out of your bedroom hmm?" "you don't understand how hard his death hit me," I said "I do understand, Y/n," said Bruce "I lost my parents remember?" I didn't say anything "who is he?" I asked nodding at the boy "Tim Drake," said the boy "I guess I'll be taking the Robin mantel now," said Tim.

        I turned around with my heels and walked away, "Y/n," Bruce began "I can't stand looking at him anymore," I said and went up.

Tim's pov

       "I can't stand looking at him anymore," said Y/n and she left "what was the second Robin to her?" I asked "her lover," Bruce replied "both were madly in love until the Joker killed him," said Bruce "it broke her, his death shattered her world, she didn't see the point of living anymore," said Bruce "is there any way I can help her?" I asked "try, she won't let you in though," said Bruce, I followed Y/n up the stairs. 

       I found Y/n playing with a dog, "his name is Ace," Y/n said, she knew it was me, "look Y/n," I began "I want to get to know you, I'm not him," I said "can you give me a chance to know you?" Y/n ran her fingers through Ace's fur gently, "he knew the risks and yet he took them," said Y/n "he promised he'll come back but instead of coming home, he came back in a body bag," she went on "being a vigilante isn't fun and games, Tim, it's dangerous," said Y/n "are you sure you're ready for it?" "I'm sure," I said, Y/n got up from her crouched position, "good luck, you'll need it," she said and walked away.

        After that day, Y/n and I trained together a lot, we also hung out a lot too. I found myself in the gardens with her, Y/n's h/c hair is loose and the wind blew her hair back, "it's been a few months since you came here," said Y/n "I can't believe I already know you so well," "I can't either," I said, she curled up by my side and rested her cheek on my chest, "this is nice," she said, I rubbed soothing circles on her back, "yeah, it is," I agreed, I shifted a bit so that Y/n is looking at me, "what?" she asked, I leaned a bit, "Tim," she whispered "wait," "what?" I asked "I'm still not over him," Y/n said, I gently took her hand in mine, "n/n, let me help you," I said "just let me in," I murmured and brought my lip to hers. 

       Ever since that day, Y/n truly let me in and I helped her anyway I possibly can....... until Gotham is taken over by Scarecrow and this Arkham Knight. Y/n hasn't been Nightingale in awhile and now her suit is calling her name.

       "You ready?" I asked holding my hand out, she took it, "I'm ready," she said and we left the Batcave together. We took out thugs together until Batman split us up "I'll see you back at the cave," I said my forehead against hers "be careful," Y/n said "I will," I said "you be careful too," I said and we split.

Nightingale's pov

       It started raining when I took out a bunch of more Scarecrow's men, I heard a heavy thump, I pulled out my w/o/c, I saw someone wearing robotic armor, "who are you?" I asked "Arkham Knight," he replied "you haven't changed a bit," said Arkham Knight "how do you know me?" I asked "come on, Y/n," said Arkham Knight "or should I say o/n/n?" I nearly dropped w/o/c in shock, "no," I said "he's dead," I said, he chuckled and pulled his mask off, "Jason," I whispered, he's changed so much, "ho-?" I began "I never died, Y/n," said Jason "I was left in Arkham Asylum, left to riot and die," Jason went on "and he didn't even bother to look for me," said Jason "Batman gave up on me!" Jason said "and so did you," "I cried for you!" I said "every night I cried, every day I'll reach over to the other side hoping that you'll be there!" I said "but you weren't," I said "you let my replacement take my place!" said Jason "that's because Batman needs a Robin," I said "Jason, come home," I said "come home," Jason opened his mouth to say something but a thump cut him off, "Gale!" I heard Robin calling out, Robin dropped to my side, "alright, Arkham Knight," Robin said "leave her alone," Jason snorted "this is my replacement?" Jason asked "how pathetic," I grasped onto Robin's arm, "Robin, don't fight him," I said, Robin shook my hand off his arm, "this is your last warning," said Robin, Jason pulled out a gun, "I don't think so," said Jason, I grabbed the front of Robin's collar and kissed him hard. 

       I heard the gun clattering to the ground, Robin pulled away and we both looked up to see Jason gone, I rested my head on Robin's shoulder. 

       Jason, if I knew you were still alive I would've been standing by your side, not on your enemy's side.

What a coincidence, not sure if I should do a part 2 or not, you decided. Vote, comment and request!

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