Roy Harper x reader

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*5 years ago*

Y/n's pov

       "Mommy? who's he?" I asked looking at a red headed boy with bright blue eyes, "that sweetheart, is Roy Harper, he's your father's new protege," Mommy replied picking me up, "protege?" I repeated "yes protege," said Mommy "he won't take Daddy away right?" I asked "of course not, sweetheart, I guess you can call him your older brother since he's one year older than you," said Mommy.


       I am now 14 years old and I'm currently watching Dad and Roy spar together, I am so bored just watching them "you look bored," Roy's voice cut in "that's because I am," I snapped back "jeez, Y/n, no need to be so mean," said Dad, he kissed the top of my head gently and rubbed my shoulder, I wrapped my arms around Dad's waist and leaned against him. 

       Roy rolled his eyes at us, he's always been like that whenever Dad and I have some father and daughter time. I nuzzled my face into Dad's neck making him chuckle "okay, kiddo, you can spend as much time you want with me now," he said still chuckling, "come on then," I said pulling on Dad's hand, Dad laughed and followed.

Roy's pov

       I watched Y/n drag Oliver off, I remember I used to do something similar to my own father, God, I miss my parents, Oliver and Dinah became a 2nd family to me but I don't consider Y/n as a sister, she's more than that to me but she's too oblivious to realize it. I wiped the sweat off with a towel and headed upstairs, I found Oliver and Y/n in the living room with Y/n cuddled into her father's chest, soft classical music is playing in the background, both are reading a book together, I've seen them do this a bunch of times yet sometimes I wish Oliver and I are still training and Y/n was never Oliver's daughter but part of me wish that I never wished that. 

       "I know that look," Dinah's voice cut in, I didn't even realize she was standing there, "Roy, just tell her, it's not like she's going to bite you," Dinah said "she did once," I said, I grimaced at that memory, "that's because she let jealousy control her that time, Roy, she was jealous of you," Dinah said "I don't think she feels the same," I said "you won't know till you try Roy," said Dinah "just tell her," I took a deep breath and walked over with Dinah close behind.

Y/n's pov

       Dad shut the book and placed it on the table, I shifted to get more comfortable and laid on my side, Dad chuckled and ran his fingers through my h/c hair, "Oliver?" Mom's voice cut in, we both looked up, I spotted Roy leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, "come on, you've been spending enough time with Y/n," Mom said "Mom," I whined "no she's right Y/n, it's about time I spend some time with her too. Besides, you have 2 weeks of winter break," said Dad "I guess," I said, Dad kissed my forehead and walked over to Mom, both left leaving me with Roy. 

       "You're lucky you still have your parents," Roy said "they're your parents too, Roy, just, not biologically," I said "but by law," I quickly added, Roy walked over to me and sat down next to me, "I guess you're right Y/n," he said, I saw teeth marks on his left arm where I bit him 5 years ago, "I still can't believe I bit you," I said, Roy cracked a smile and chuckled, "you're the one who bit me ,Y/n, I would never bite myself," he said laughing softly "well I'm sorry, maybe if you haven't hogged Dad I probably wouldn't have bit you," I said, Roy chuckled before looking down at his hands, "listen Y/n, there's a reason why your mother wanted to spend time with your dad," he said "right, so they can be an actual married couple," I said "actually that's not the reason," said Roy, I raised an eyebrow at him, he got closer to me and on instinct I scooted back till I couldn't go any farther "Roy, I-I don't feel comfortable," I said "just relax," he murmured and kissed me softly. 

       My first kiss ever, is with Roy Harper, my foster brother, but will our love last forever?

*a month later*

       "Come back home alive," I whispered as I hugged Roy tightly "I will, Y/n, I promise you that," Roy said softly, he cupped his hands against my cheeks and kissed me passionately, "this is goodbye for now, Y/n, I will come back," he said softly and slowly, he left. 

A few weeks into his solo mission, Roy went missing, Dad immediately took off searching for him, it went on for 3 months, Dad nearly gave up but someone gave him a lead and he found him. When they returned I tackled Roy hard, "you dumb ass," I whispered "I thought I lost you," Roy hugged back hard "it's going to take more than that to take me down, Y/n," Roy murmured, I pulled away from the hug and kissed him hard. 

       And 3 years of dating later I found out he's a clone, the real Roy I did kiss when he left for the solo mission is gone, my relationship with the clone is over, I realized I will never love the real one as much as I love his clone. Roy, please come back, I need you. You're my world and I'm yours, clone or not I still love you, every day I'll reach over to the other side of bed expecting you to be there but I find nothing but coldness, I miss seeing you in the morning, I miss the kisses you give me, I miss you holding me, everything about you I miss, Roy, please come back. My heart is shattered, no other man can fix it but you, come back into my life and you'll be able to fix me again, will you come back?

I didn't mean for this one shot to be this emotional but I did, I guess I went overboard again, I won't know till you guys comment and tell me. Hope you enjoyed!

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