Batfamily imagine

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I'm not sure if @GIRLONFIYAH14 wanted the reader part of this but I'll add you anyways soooooo enjoy! your mom is Catwoman and you're 14 years old btw

Y/n's pov

       2 words. Movie night. And guess who's choosing? Dick Grayson is! sure he's the oldest but I thought he'll be you know, mature but he is not, he roped me in for a lot of pranks, enough about him being immature, whenever he picks a movie it's always something kiddish making me and Jason groan, I do not like horror but I'll take PG-13 movies.

        I guess there's some good things about him choosing, Damian is the newest member that joined the family and since he's my younger half brother, I'll do anything to help him out and spending time with family will help him with that. 

       "This is pointless," said Damian, I placed a bowl of popcorn on the table and sat down besides him "it's not pointless, Damian," I said, I playfully ran my fingers through his hair and he swatted them away, "it can be fun," said Tim "sometimes," he added "yeah," I said "sometimes," Jason came in "he better not choose anything stupid," Jason said, he plopped down next to me, "they are not stupid," said Dick "heard that before," I whispered to Jason making him smile, Dick chose a movie and put it in. 

       The movie began, the title said.... 

       "High School Musical?!" Jason said, I silently groaned while Damian frowned, "expect a lot of singing Damian," I said "this is going to be a real long night,"

                         *time skip*

       Damian seems to be enjoying it but he rejects it by wearing a stoic expression. During the 2nd movie I attempted to leave buuuuuuuttttt Dick caught me and dragged me back to the couch so here I am, stuck in his lap with his arms tightly wrapped around me. I tried blocking the movie out unfortunately the music is the problem "you're killing me!" I whined making Dick chuckle "I hate you," "no, you love me," Dick said kissing my forehead "I hate you," "*chuckle* no you don't," "yes I do, I like Jason more now," "hey!" "ha! Thanks, Y/n!" "love you too, Jay," "that's not fair!" "shut it! All of you!" Damian snapped, we just stared at him as he continued watching the movie, "well, at least someone likes it," said Dick "well I don't," I said with a huff "I'm with you there, Y/n," said Jason "eh, it was alright," said Tim, I nearly forgot he's here too, "say 'I' on 3 if you agree not to let Dick choose a movie," I said "1, 2, 3, I," Jason, Tim and I chorused, Dick looked hurt while Damian gave us a look, "I will not be part of your pity arguments," Damian declared "and I'm hurt," Dick added "well too bad," said Jason "yeah, you should've chosen a different movie then," I agreed "a mystery movie," Tim added. 

       The movies ended, Damian fell asleep and I took him to bed, I passed by Dad "note to self, never let Dick choose a movie," I said while passing him, Dad gave me a weird look while I gave him a shrug.

        I walked into Damian's bedroom and placed him down, I pulled the covers up and kissed his forehead, "goodnight, Damian, sweet dreams," I said softly and started to walk away, "Y/n?" Damian's said softly "what's wrong, Dami?" I asked softly "can it sleep with me?" he asked, he sat up, "you're afraid of having another nightmare," I realized, he hesitated but nodded, I walked over to him and laid down next to him, I then pulled me him in for a hug, "always, Damian, you just need to ask," I said "just ask,"

Not sure if this is what you wanted but I did it anyways. Vote, comment and request!

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