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Long Strides to a Short Walk The REVAMP! 2017-2018!

An AU, OOC, HP/DM slash fiction


Summary: In their 6th year of school, it's now the end of the Season; as keeping with a Wizard Tradition, 'The Captain's Bet Dinner', Quidditch Captains Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter are about to take a short trek that will take them on a long journey, as a bet goes wrong, when hearts become the collateral, and lives, the folly of the Fates.  

 After bungling best friends and Co-Captains Ron Weasley & Blaise Zabini's misguided 'pure intentions' to stick their noses where they do not belong, the result becomes a Domino Effect, as others past & present are suddenly caught up in the fall.

Rated NC-17

By: AshleyMistMalichi

Disclaimers: Don't own, don't sue. All that is mine are MY OC's, my plot, and that's it.

The rest is OWNED by: J K Rowling & Warner Brothers.


Pairings: HP/DM, RW/BZ, Re/Ti, OC/? With past references to JP/LM

Simple Summary:

A bet gone wrong,

Many a love gone sour,

Many a mistake made right,

And many a right wronged.


                                                  ~* ~*Chapter 10*~*~

Draco had noticed the minute glances the Weasel kept shooting to Blaise during his little heartfelt speech; 

and a perverse pleasure had thrilled him to no end, once he discovered as he'd arched a blond brow at the blushing boy, Weasley would only blush harder!

He knew it was wrong, to tease someone that way, but it couldn't be helped.

Because Blaise had said some really uncomfortable things, and in front of EVERYONE!

Draco would have had to be deaf to have not only heard the sincerity from his old friend; and he had even felt the deep concern and remorse emanating off of Blaise too.

'his former friend' He'd quickly reminded himself, bringing  up his glare yet another notch.

And then? It had happened. 

Bloody Hell, Blaise had turned his stomach with his Gryffindorish blathering!

Even his Godfather had winced at some of the things the Slytherin turned Gryffindor had said.

But it was when Blaise had pulled a Creevey by popping the top of his own Black Velvet ring box showcasing a MUCH bigger sparkler than the sad peice of tin Colin had tried to give to Harry. 

It was at that moment, Draco decided he had heard MORE than enough from EVERYONE!

Because even though the blushing boy had seemed kindly sincere enough, 

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