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Long Strides to a Short Walk The REVAMP! 2017-2018-2021!

An AU, OOC, HP/DM slash fiction


Summary: In their 6th year of school, it's now the end of the Season; as keeping with a Wizard Tradition, 'The Captain's Bet Dinner', Quidditch Captains Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter are about to take a short trek that will take them on a long journey, as a bet goes wrong, when hearts become the collateral, and lives, the folly of the Fates. 

 After bungling best friends with misguided 'pure intentions' stick their noses where they do not belong, the result becomes a Domino Effect, as others past & present are suddenly caught up in the fall.

Rated NC-17

By: AshleyMistMalichi

Disclaimers: Don't own, don't sue. All that is mine are MY OC's, my plot, and that's it.

The rest is OWNED by: J K Rowling & Warner Brothers.


Pairings: HP/DM, RW/BZ, OC/OC, OC/? With past references to JP/LM

Simple Summary:

A bet gone wrong,

Many a love gone sour,

Many a mistake made right,

And many a right wronged.


Soft footfalls and a tentative hand on his shoulder stopped him from making one more step.

Taking a deep shuddering breath, Draco froze, slowly releasing his abused silky strands,

turning only to have that breath taken suddenly away.

Harry Potter, now stood in his view, his head adorably tilted, peering up at him in a mussed up state.

Draco Malfoy, his cheeks tinted pink, nibbling on his full lower lip, gulped hard.

Staring at the other boy in silent contemplation; inwardly marveling how the setting sun's rays caressed Harry's face, gracing him with an unearthly glow, as beautiful expressive emerald eyes behind wire-rimmed frames, looked deeply into Draco's own.

Blushing, Harry bent his dark head, causing strands of silky black hair to fall forward, covering his instant embarrassment, softly he mumbled,

"I um, I heard what you were, ah, saying, and, um, you're right, but, look, I've never, um,"...

Shrugging, and awkwardly stuffing his hands deeper into his robe pockets he seemed very interested in the toes of his black boots.

Smirking, Draco drawled, "Honestly Potter, you're what, nearly 17 bloody years old?"

Yet, no answer was forthcoming, just a tiny shrug was all that was being offered from 'the 'Boy Who Obviously Has NEVER HAD,'THAT?... heh, heh, heh', Draco had to bite back his lip and snicker to keep from blurting out the rest of the sentence.

'NO WAY!' He thought.

 'As popular as the prat WAS, there was JUST no, there was NO bloody WAY, Potter was still, a, a, an innocent 'child' or, was he telling the truth?'

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