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Long Strides to a Short Walk The REVAMP! 2017-2018-2021!

An AU, OOC, HP/DM slash fiction


Summary: In their 6th year of school, it's now the end of the Season; as keeping with a Wizard Tradition, 'The Captain's Bet Dinner', Quidditch Captains Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter are about to take a short trek that will take them on a long journey, as a bet goes wrong, when hearts become the collateral, and lives, the folly of the Fates. 

After bungling best friends Ron and Blaise with misguided 'pure intentions' stick their noses where they do not belong, the result becomes a Domino Effect, as others past & present are suddenly caught up in the fall.

Rated NC-17

By: AshleyMistMalichi

Disclaimers: Don't own, don't sue. All that is mine are MY OC's, my plot, and that's it.

The rest is OWNED by: J K Rowling & Warner Brothers.


Pairings: HP/DM, RW/BZ, Re/Ti, OC/? With past references to JP/LM

Simple Summary:

A bet gone wrong,

Many a love gone sour,

Many a mistake made right,

And many a right wronged.

                                    *~^^**Chapter 13-A**^^~*

As the older Witch spluttered and choked on her tea, he sat back, satisfied.

Arranging his robes, he had but one thought, 'it was good to be him.'

After the evening meal, the Great Hall cleared quickly as the students were anxious to

get to their homework assignments before bed.

Well...the Ravenclaws seemed to, as they were always the first to leave.

Straggling, the remaining Hufflepuffs, Gryffindor's and Slytherin's made their way out of the large area to return to their Common Rooms. However; one person lingered behind in the shadows, waiting.

Once spotted, the intended target is suddenly grabbed, only to find themselves being pulled swiftly against a solid chest, as their back is slammed hard against the front of a stranger's body.

The smaller boy lets out a heavy moan as he felt the proof of his abductor's desire twitch thickly through his robe, against his own at the crack of his bubble butt.

His pert nose was teased with a familiar scent when he relaxed slowly against the firm body. Smirking slightly, he relished the fact that his captor obviously was a Quidditch player.

With a body built that way, he had to be.

As warm full lips were gently pressing against his skin, he shivered as that mouth nuzzled gently and slowly back and forth at his ear lobes; and then bit down firmly at the juncture between his throat and his shoulder.

Long Strides to a Short Walk The REVAMP!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora