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Long Strides to a Short Walk The REVAMP! 2017-2018-2021!

An AU, OOC, HP/DM slash fiction


Summary: In their 6th year of school, it's now the end of the Season; as keeping with a Wizard Tradition, 'The Captain's Bet Dinner', Quidditch Captains Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter are about to take a short trek that will take them on a long journey, as a bet goes wrong, when hearts become the collateral, and lives, the folly of the Fates. 

 After bungling best friends with misguided 'pure intentions' stick their noses where they do not belong, the result becomes a Domino Effect, as others past & present are suddenly caught up in the fall.

Rated NC-17

By: AshleyMistMalichi

Disclaimers: Don't own, don't sue. All that is mine are MY OC's, my plot, and that's it.

The rest is OWNED by: J K Rowling & Warner Brothers.


Pairings: HP/DM, RW/BZ, OC/OC, OC/? With past references to JP/LM

Simple Summary:

A bet gone wrong,

Many a love gone sour,

Many a mistake made right,

And many a right wronged.


Draco was over the BLOODY moon!

In ALL of the years he had known of, or known HARRY POTTER personally,

NEVER ever had he heard such music to his ears!

An actual person had stated that, 'Potter' was just, a regular Joe.

No one special, no one to worship, or to even fear, just a teenage boy that is no different than anybody else, and Draco was pleased.

He even stretched his smile wider, causing the older man to flush and stutter,

and poor Potter to knock over his mug in shock!

'Malfoy 10, Potter, zero!' His inner Snape cheered.

Hitching up the charm by showing his deep dimples, Draco kindly inquired,

"Well, WHATEVER you DO have prepared THOMAS, I AM certain it will be fresh & delicious!

Oh and Potter just dropped his drink, no, now, I'll clean that up for you, after all,

he IS MY date, & you are a VERY busy man Thomas!

Ya know what?" Draco simpered at the shocked man,

"That is just TOO formal. May I call you Tom?"

Draco sweetly murmured while waving his wand.

Fifteen other customers ducked, and Harry winced, but when nothing bad happened?

The dumbfounded man kept slowly shaking his head up and down, as Draco giggled,

"OKAY! TOM it IS, my fine man!"

But, before Tom could leave to get their orders ready, Draco snatched him by the sleeve.

The crowd and Harry held their breath, slowly reaching for their wands thinking, 'Now, THIS was more like it!'

But all the tall teen did was to cheerfully tell the owner,

"TOM! My fine man! Please! Another round of butter-beers, and,"

at that thought, Draco paused, after placing one hand under his slender elbow,

and resting his other hand on his cheek, tilting his head, he grinned,

" Oh, and give Potter and myself your early-owl, keep the butter beers flowing,

and DO be a lamb and bring us two crystal shot glasses!

NOW, make SURE they are clean, and hey!

I would just LOVE your best bottle of fire-whiskey too!"

"Malfoy!" Harry hissed, "Will you SHUT it! I TOLD you, I am NOT the bloody bird here!

I can damn well order for myself! And anoth.. mmftp!!-" He sputtered.

Tom's bushy grey-brown brows danced clean up into his receding hairline, watching

 as Lucius Malfoy's son clamps a slender but firm hand over James Potter's boy's mouth.

Now standing behind Harry with a wide smirk Draco continued, 

"Hmm, now where was I? Oh yes, and Tom, please do be a lamb & put all of this on MY tab please."

Giggling, he removed his hand quickly before sitting, rubbing it down his thigh.

It was wet.

Lounging once more across from Harry, he snickered as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, very, very juvenile Potter."

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