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Long Strides to a Short Walk The REVAMP! 2017-2018-2021!

An AU, OOC, HP/DM slash fiction


Summary: In their 6th year of school, it's now the end of the Season; as keeping with a Wizard Tradition, 'The Captain's Bet Dinner', Quidditch Captains Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter are about to take a short trek that will take them on a long journey, as a bet goes wrong, when hearts become the collateral, and lives, the folly of the Fates.  

 After bungling best friends and Co-Captains Ron Weasley & Blaise Zabini with misguided 'pure intentions' stick their noses where they do not belong, the result becomes a Domino Effect, as others past & present, and especially Malfoy & Potter find themselves suddenly caught up in the fall.

Rated NC-17

By: AshleyMistMalichi

Disclaimers: Don't own, don't sue. All that is mine are MY OC's, my plot, and that's it.

The rest is OWNED by: J K Rowling & Warner Brothers.


Pairings: HP/DM, RW/BZ, OC/OC, OC/? With past references to JP/LM

Simple Summary:

A bet gone wrong,

Many a love gone sour,

Many a mistake made right,

And many a right wronged.


When they had all awoke from their 'boy pile' earlier that morning,

both Ron and Blaise had been very quiet, each trapped inside their own deep thoughts.

And, when Colin and Neville started whining, and asking stupid questions,

he and Blaise had threatened the young Gryffindors with 'a fate worse than a years worth of detentions with Snape', if they dared to breathe a word more about the whole mess.

This action caused the two boys to 'eep' loudly and made a hasty retreat to their rooms.

Or so they had thought.

Instead, the bratty little sneaks had run tattling to Herm.

Ah well, they probably deserved her wrath.

Especially after Blaise threatened Colin with a wand enema if he didn't 'go away,

and shut the bloody fuck up already!'

Ron deeply sighed, releasing Blaise. 

'MERLIN! What was I thinking! He's too perfect, he would NEVER go for a bloke like me. I, I guess l'll just have to be content with being 'just' his friend then.'

Ron was REALLY sick of being shoved into that lonely void, 'the friend zone.'


Blaise groaned, already knowing he was gonna FOREVER lose Draco's friendship over this;

and of that he was certain, and that knowledge weighed heavily on his young heart.

Plunking down on the plump blood-red couch,

Long Strides to a Short Walk The REVAMP!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora