(fourteen) Christmas

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Pewdie/Felix's POV


I groggily lifted up my head, and squinted my eyes. Sunlight poured in through the window's curtains. My head was pounding and I gently placed my hand on my forehead as I looked to my left. Ryan was sprawled out on the bed. His hazel hair was sticking out to everywhere, and his eyes had dark circles under them. The sight would have made me laugh, had I didn't feel like complete shit. My clothes were drenched in water, and upon closer inspection so were Ryan's. I tried to remember what happened last night but to no avail. All I could remember was taking shots, laughing with Ryan, dancing, and crying? I tried to remember why I was crying but couldn't. I slowly got up and made my way to the bathroom. flicked the light switch and instantly regretted it. While yelping in pain, I quickly turned off the light.

After splashing my face with cold water I eventually made my way to the kitchen. My hand was in front of my eyes so the sun wouldn't kill me. moaning as I heard my phone ring in my pocket,  I glanced at the caller ID and saw it was Ken before answering.  

"Hello...?" I set the phone in-between my shoulder and my ear, While pouring myself a glass of water.

"H-hey! Felix? Are you okay? You don't sound that good." 

"Yeah... Just a... Hangover." I took the phone in my hand again and drunk the ice-cold water. I set the cup down and opened the freezer.

"Oh okay. Well anyway! What are you doing for the holidays?" Ken asked. Holidays? Oh. I totally forgot they were coming up. I mumbled in annoyance of my stupidity, and grabbed an ice-pack from the freezer.

"Nothing much. What about you?" 

"Okay so I'm hosting a party. Christmas is coming up in two days, so it's going to be on Christmas Eve. You'll never believe who's coming!" Ken said enthusiastically. I laid on the couch and set the ice-pack on my forehead. 

"I invited, Cry, Red, Russ, Scott, Snake, BattleStar, and Minx! The only one who hasn't replied to the email was Cry... But anyway, they are all coming to my house for it. I also sent you a email, but you didn't reply back so I figured I'd call you." Ken told me. I prickle of guilt shot through me when I thought of Cry. I really need to get ahold of him...

I smiled as I thought about meeting all my gaming friends... Well most of them, some of them I didn't even know. But that just means I can get to know them. I grinned.

"Yeah of course I'll come! You didn't move since last time I've been there have you?" I asked him. 

"No. I would've forced you, to come help me move!" He said jokingly. My smile dropped as I thought about Ryan. There was NO way I was letting him be alone on the holidays. 

"I have a friend who lives with me, and he's really cool. Besides," I lowered my voice," He just tried to commit suicide. I don't really want to chance him being alone." I told him and glanced to my side to see if Ryan was around. Even though I knew he wouldn't be. So of course he wasn't there.

"Of course he can come! But! BUT! He cannot come over if he dosen't like gamers! Because we are going to be playing allot of games!" He said jokingly and I chucked.

"Of course he likes gamers! I mean, the man lives with me! Anyways, me and him play games all the time!" Ken laughed.

"Do you know Cry's number? Or where he's been? Maybe seen him recently?" Ken asked, "Besides everyone is getting really worried, he only is uploading three videos a week. Which seems odd for him. He also keeps bailing on the Late Night Crew." Ken told me. 

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