(Eight) Girl

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Cry/Ryan's POV


I stood in front of Felix while he laid on the ground. He had woken me up with all his moaning. I was about to leave, when he sat up covered in sweat. He looked at me and I don't know what... But something in his eyes made me get really uncomfortable. Was... Was that lust??? No. No way. I looked down as my stomach grumbled. 

"Uhh hey could you make me breakfast? I'm starving..." I asked and limped over to the bed and sat down, wincing when I put any slight weight on my foot. Felix agreed to and walked towards the kitchen, leaving me alone in my thoughts. 

What was he moaning about? Was he thinking about a girl? The thought made me chuckle. Felix? Ha. He hasn't really exposed to any girls lately... Or maybe he has? I was surprised as I realized the thought made me sad. I mean... He was my best friend, I don't want him to have a girlfriend. They're are always way too clingy. I stared at the wall and decided to check on Felix. I got up and limped towards the kitchen silently, my whole intention to scare him. But when I looked at him he had his elbows on the counter and his head in his hands, and his back turned to me. Usually I would have taken the opportunity to scare him, but it didn't look right. I snuck up behind him and slid my arms around his stomach, hugging him. At my touch he flinched and spun around grabbing my wrists roughly. I stared at him in disbelief as he proceeded to hold my wrists tighter, and tighter, I yelped in pain and tried to push him away, but he stopped me. A smile was spread across his face and tightened his grip once more. 

"F-Felix! What the hell?!" I yelled trying to get away once more but he pulled me in closer to him. At that I got scared. Has he lost his damn mind??? I thought as he spun around with me so that I was against the counter. The look on his face changed from lust, to bewilderment. He let me go and nervously laughed. He stepped back from me and shook his head. 

"S-sorry you..... You scared me. I thought you were a killer or something...." He exclaimed running his hand through his hair and looked me up and down, "Are you okay?" He asked taking a step towards me. I stared at him. How the hell was that 'scared'? He straight out, looked me in the eyes. He had to have known it was me....

"S-sure..." I murmured slowly moving away from him. Something about the look in his eyes had been terrifying. I quickly shook off the feeling and laughed, "Yeah but you damn near broke my wrists!" I said jokingly but it was true. I rubbed my wrists and he quickly walked over to me.

"Uhhh do you need anything?" He asked nervously staring in my eyes. I stared at his eyes, and  for the first time I realized how beautiful they were. They were light blue, like the sky on a rainy morning, "No I'm fine, I am HUNGRY though." I joked poking him in the side. They slight interaction with my hand made me shed a single tear. I never knew Felix was that strong....

"Oooooh right! How about Captain Crunch?" He asked moving towards the cupboard.


Pewdie/Felix's POV


I stood there with my head in my hands. I was still thinking about the dream.... What the hell was it??? I don't like Ryan!!! Were best friends and nothing more! PLUS IM. NOT. GAY. I told myself. I lost myself deep in thought and shuddered. I felt someone grab me from behind. Ryan. I turned around and he lifted his hands off me and I grabbed his wrists. He looked at me with shock. I meant to joke around and tell him not to touch me. But instead I looked at him. He really did look perfect.... I squeezed his wrists tighter and he yelped. The sound made me want him more. "F-Felix! What the hell?!" I smiled at his fear. He looked cute. I began to notice my pants getting tighter the more I thought about what I was going to do with him. I spun around and held him against the counter, just about to press my lips on his. But then I quickly realized what I was doing. I let go of him and nervously laughed, trying to think of what to say to him. I shook my head when I found a some-what believable lie. 

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