(Nine) Insane?

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Pewdie/Felix's POV


I laughed as Sophie starting dancing while the song was playing. When I had left Ryan's house after that weird dream (a month ago) I had gotten a hold of Sophie (the girl he slept with last chapter) And ever since we spent every day together. Ryan keeps texting and calling me but I won't answer him. Me and Sophie are dating and I... Love her? I honestly don't know. I know that sounds terrible but it's true. I got with her only to wash away any feelings I had for Ryan. But over time she's grown on me. Her happy energy and her personality is perfect. Sexy, yet, nerdy. I smiled at she grabbed my hand and dragged to the karaoke machine at the diner.

"Awwww please don't make me do this!" I begged as she handed me a mic, "Come on loosen up!" She said as she tried to find a song to sing. "Pfff fine! But don't blame me if I burst people's eardrums!" I tell her as I look at the people waiting for us to sing. Sophie turned back to me and gave me a thumbs up as the music started to play. Oh god no. I think as I hear 'I Will Always Love You' playing. I glare at Sophie and she starts giggling as we both start singing. I'm sorry everyone! I think as it get to the high note. I scream for the note, and everyone starts bursting into laughter. When the song is over Sophie puts away her mics as she laughs uncontrollably. Were still on stage when she kisses me. I kiss her back and when we pull away we're both smiling. I look at the crowd to make sure no one saw it and from what I can see no one did, but then I see a man with brown hair covering his face, facing us. I shiver a bit when he lifts his face up and his hair flips back. Ryan. He gets up and runs out the door with a cold dead lock with me. 

"Who was that?" Sophie asked walking beside me.

"An old friend..." I murmured facing her. "Oh? I like friends! You should talk to him!" She said enthusiastically pointing her finger towards the door, "I'm off!" She yelled jumping off the stage and running outside, "Ah, what the hell Sophie?" I called after her and followed.

When I finally found her she was sitting on a bench panting, "Sorry, I couldn't catch up to him." She breathed while smiling, "Your friends one hell of a runner! And I won all my school races, I can't believe he out runned me!" She laughed and got up, "Why did you chase him?" I asked.

"I dunno. I just... Wanted to?" She said shaking her head and sticking out her small tongue, "Come on let's go get ice cream!" She said walking to an ice-cream truck. Sophie you really are something... 


Cry/Ryan's POV


I ran out of the diner and ran to my house. Half way getting there the girl who he kissed was following me. I laughed as she didn't know what I could do. I quickly ran and jumped in a tree. I jumped up the branches sitting on the top. (Yes Cry is now a badass) I saw her watching me in amazement and then called out to me, "How did you do that?" She asked stepping forward while still looking at me. I glared at her and looked around for a roof I could jump to. When I saw it I glanced down at the girl standing there, "Please don't tell Felix you talked to me... But are you guys dating?" I asked.

She looked down at the ground and shook her head 'yes'. My nose started burning and I stood up, "And by the way, let's just say those parkour classes really paid off." I told her as I leaped the building and jumped off it, "I'd love to stay and chat but I have things to do." I told her and then ran off. When I got into my house I started bawling. Why did he abandon me like this? I'm sick, and tired of being alone... And I told Felix that. So why?

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted him to meet me at my house. But 2 hours passed and I knew he wouldn't come. I pulled on my hair as I rocked back and forth sobbing. I was so lonely. I want someone to talk to. I screamed and hit my head up against the wall. I ran in my room and grabbed my box under my bed. When I slid it out I was surprised to see a piece of paper on it, 'DON'T DO IT!' It read in bold letters. I quickly realized it was Felix's hand righting. I ripped it in half and opened the box. It had my band-aids, tissues, and sleeping medication, but no razors. I screeched as I flung it against the wall. I dodged the box when it came flying back at me and ran into the bathroom. I flung open the medicine cabinet and searched it until I found one razor. I quickly slit above my wrist two times, and sighed in relief. I walked back in my room and thought about the paper, and him not texting me, the girl, me, alone, lonely..... I slit my wrist one more time in anger. But I realized something when I looked down.

I had slit directly on my wrist way WAY to deep. This was a fatal cut. I slowly walked to my bed and sat down. I tried to stop the bleeding by putting some tissues on the slit, but they were drenched in blood in seconds. I started feeling light headed and fell face first onto the ground. I turned on my back and tried to get up, but I didn't have enough strength.

"Felix.....Please." I whispered to myself as the darkness around the edges of my eyes started to take up my whole vision.


I know this is right after the last chapter but, I thought I would leave you with this cliffhanger cause I'm a bitch. :3 Love you! <3 Also if you self-harm.... Uhhh I guess try to... stop? I know it's hard but just make an effort to put down the razor or curling iron. Please? Anyway peace guys.

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