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But then came the time that John Bender had to leave and the five of us that were still in the library were sitting on the railing.

"Brian?" Claire spoke up.


"Are you gonna write your paper?" Oh, I see where she's going...

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, it's kinda a waste for all of us to write our paper, don't you think?" I helped the prom queen out.

"But that's what Vernon wants us to do..." Okay, maybe I should let Claire handle it then, they seemed closer than they were at the beginning... they're actually kinda cute, I hope she doesn't fuck it up.

"True, but I think we'd all kinda say the same thing." she pointed out.

"You just don't want to write your paper, right?"

"True, but, you're the smartest, right?" yeah, she's flirting.

"Oh, well..." he tried to answer, a bit flustered.

"We trust you.." she trailed off with a small smile, definitely flirting, you go girl! Get the brain!

"All right, I'll do it." he agreed.

"Great." she smiled. "Girls, come with me!"

"Where?" I questioned.

"Come on!" was her answer.

Oh well.

We were currently in the bathroom and Claire was doing our make-up.

"You know, you would be cute with Johnson." I said to the princess while she was putting on brown crayon to Allison.

"You think?" she asked me while blushing.

"Yeah! And Allison, I totally ship you with Andy!" I laughed.

"Oh... What about you and Bender?" retorted the girl as Claire was trying to put her lipstick on.

"Well... I would love to, but he's into someone else... he told Claire and I earlier." I said sadly.

"You didn't realise it was you?" asked the redhead.

"No..." I muttered.

"Well, go find him!" urged Claire.

"Ok, ok!" I laughed and left to join Bender.

It took me some time, but I finally found him. He looked really shocked when he saw me.

"You lost?" he questioned.

"Of course not. I was lost a bit, but I finally found this goddamned closet, so it's all cool!" I laughed.

He smiled a bit making me smile too. I then decided to be bold a bit and kissed him. It wasn't a hard kiss like the one we shared when we were in the hallways, it was sweet and slow. It was perfect. Butterflies, fireworks, whatever you want, exploded in my stomach and it was the best feeling ever.

We broke away, panting a bit and staring at each other.

"Why'd you do that?" he asked with a smile.

"Because I wanted to... And because I like you... a lot." I replied.

"I like you too."

"Was I the girl you wanted to get serious with?" I questioned in a small voice.



He shook his head, making my smile vanish, but he spoke up with a smirk. "Yeah."

And I kissed him again.

I quitted the closet so Vernon wouldn't know I was gone.

When we were allowed to leave, we all meet up with Bender. He puts his arm around my shoulders and we start making our way toward the exit.

Carl was here too and he smiled at us.

"See ya, Brian!"

"Hey Carl." the brain replied.

"See you next Saturday!" I said at the same time as John.

"You bet!" the janitor laughed.

Brian and Claire as well as Andrew and Allison kissed before leaving their own way... Woah, I missed things while I was in the closet with John!

I kissed John goodbye and went to go my own way, when he suddenly pulled me towards him once again.

"You know... you could always come back with me... I don't like the idea of you going back there..." he told me, grabbing me by the waist to pull me even closer.

"John..." I sighed, "I'd love to, but you don't have a better situation... I don't want to bring you any more problems..." I said, worried for him.

He gave me a small peck on the lips before answering me.

"They can't do shit, not when it comes to my girlfriend." he said confidently.

"Girlfriend, huh?" I questionned with a teasing tone.

"I... I uh, mean... If you want to be..." he stuttered a bit.

"Of course I want to!" I laughed.

He kissed me and we left for his house. Yeah, it didn't take much convincing, but I felt like it was the good call. Plus, I'm almost sure my parents won't notice.

so that was the last chapter... there's still an epilogue but yeah, it's over! comment your impressions of this story... I thought about doing a book that is only with Bender's pdv, but I'm so not sure about this... because ya know, you already have all the story, why would you read it just in a different pdv? anyway, comment if I shoud do it or nah!:)

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