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TRIGGER WARNING FOR THIS CHAPTER (at least I hope it's this chapter)
Jazz will reveal her story and it may not be easy to read for everyone
This chapter mention abuse and sexual assault

"You're so conceited, Claire. You're so conceited. You're so, like, full of yourself, why are you like that? Besides, maybe we think Jazz is hot, but we have some respect for ourselves and for her, we wouldn't want to do this because that's such a big lack of respect!" Brian retorted, on the verge of tears...

Okay, so that was a sarcastic laugh...

"I'm not saying that to be conceited! I hate it! I hate having to go along with everything my friends say!" she replied, crying again.

"Didn't look like it." I muttered, not loud enough for anybody else but Bender to hear.

"Well then why do you do it?" questioned the brain.

"I don't know, I don't...you don't understand... you don't. You're not friends with the same kind of people that Andy and I are friends with!You know, you just don't understand the pressure that they can put on you!" she tried to explain herself.

I don't know if it's the weed or the alcohol or something else, but I almost pity her right now... I get that that's how she has to act if she wanna stay popular... but is it all worth it?

"I don't understand what? You think I don't understand pressure, Claire? Well fuck you! Fuck you!" he retorted, shocked, before hiding his face in his arms to hide his tears streamed face. "Know why I'm here today? Do you? I'm here because Mr. Ryan found a gun in my locker..." he continued.

"Why'd you have a gun in your locker?" questioned the jock.

"I tried. You pull the fucking trunk on it and the light's supposed to go on... and it didn't go on, I mean, I..." he explained.

"What's the gun for, Brian?" asked Andy again.

"Just forget it..." the brain tried to brush off the subject.

"You brought it up, man!" I butted in, hoping this wasn't going where I thought it was going.

"I can't have an F, I can't have it and I know my parents can't have it! Even if I aced the rest of the semester, I'm still only a B. And everything's ruined for me!" he defended himself.

Oh no.

"Oh, Brian..." muttered Claire with pity.

"So I considered my options, you know?" he went on.

"No! Killing yourself is not an option!" objected Claire... look who started to have a heart! Well, at least for the brain.

"Well, I didn't do it, did I? No, I don't think so!" he spat.

"It was a hand gun?" questioned Allison in a curious tone.

"No, it was a flare gun, went off in my locker." he muttered.

"Really?" questioned Andrew before starting laughing.

"It's not funny..." he started, but we all joined in the laughter, him too, making him correct himself. "Yes it is... fucking elephant was destroyed!"

"You wanna know what I did to get in here? Nothing... I didn't have anything better to do." Allison told us.

That did it, I went in an hysterical laughter, joined in by everyone.

"You're laughing at me..."

"No!" Andy automatically objected.

"Yeah you are!"

"Now, there's just Jazz that we don't know why she's here..." said Bender, stopping laughing.

I stopped abruptly laughing too. "I... The principal surprised me and Harry in the janitor's closet..."

"Harry? As in the Harry that created your slut's reputation?" exclaimed John, getting his arm off my shoulders to look at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

Oh God, I'm screwing everything up right now... am I?

"Yeah, we never... uh, we never stopped seeing each other." I muttered, avoiding everybody's gaze on me.

"What the hell?! You said all day long you weren't a slut and then you come with this?!" yelled queenie.

"Shut the fuck up, Claire!" said Allison to defend me.

"You don't know shit, Claire! You don't know why I started this is the first place and you don't know why I never stopped it! Or why I never stopped with Harry!" I screamed, tears ruining my make-up.

"Then explain to us, maybe we can do something..." said softly Allison.

"Harry and I... we were best friend since elementary school. Since I was young, my mom ignored me, except if it was for reprimanding me. My dad... my dad is so full of shit! He tells me things like 'you're worthless', 'you'll never have a great life!', 'nobody will want you' and other stuff like that... So, yeah, he's messing with my head and when I finally told that to Harry, he said we should...do it, so I could prove wrong to my dad. So, being the emotional wreck I was, I agreed. After we did it, he told me 'wait 'til I say that to my friends!' and I felt so betrayed, but I didn't know what to do to stop him, so he said it to his friends and stopped talking to me, except when he wanted to relieve his tension. Then, it all went downhill... his friends came to me and me being me... I just went with it. Then rumors started to go around and all guys wanted to do something with me... I wanted it to stop at one point, but Harry threatened me. He beat me, once or twice... So after some time, I just accepted my situation... In a sense, I was proving my father wrong... And the fact that he never stopped the bullying, sex made me a bit more confident... I mean, most of the guys at school want me, not to sound conceited or stuff like that... So yeah, I guess that's pretty much it... I just wanted to prove to my dad that he was wrong! That's all I wanted, to have my dad's approval! I didn't want that reputation or the beating from Harry! I never asked for it! I never asked for this life where my parents hates me and beats me and..." At this point, I couldn't continue. I was crying way too hard for that.

I lifted my head to see everybody giving me pitying looks. I didn't need their pity, but at least they finally got the truth.

"Jazmine, I'm sorry for everything I said today... I didn't know..." Claire told me before sitting next to me and... gave me a hug.

That's the only thing I needed from her today, an apology... it took the whole day, but I finally got it. Saying I wasn't happy with that would be a lie, so I returned the embrace and dried my tears before pulling away.

As soon as I let go of Claire, John brought me back in his arms and played with my hair while saying all kind of sweet things to me in my ear. I felt safe, for once in my life, I felt safe around a guy and that almost made me start crying again, so I pulled away.

"Well, that was way too emotional for me, let's put on some music!" I yelled so we would drop the subject. I mean, I'm okay with everyone now, so let's not spoil it.

Brian went to put on some music and we all started to dance together.

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