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One more:)

Now, everybody is bored as fuck.

Bender lit his shoe on fire. I took this opportunity to lit one of my cigarette so I could take a smoke. John did the same before stopping the fire.

Claire was in her head, daydreaming about God knows what.

Brian was putting his tuque between his legs so nobody would see his boner... that he got while looking at me.

Andrew was messing with his sweater while playing football with some paper.

Allison was drawing. I couldn't really see her paper, but she looked pretty pleased with herself.

Once I was bored of watching everybody, I put my head on John's lap and closed my eyes.

Suddenly, I head an annoying voice that told us to wake up. Vernon. I didn't open my eyes and by the discouragement heard in Rich's voice when he asked who had to go to the lavatory, I guess I wasn't the only one.

We all went, supervised by Rich in the hallways. Claire was the first out and while I was washing my hands, Allison came directly next to me and actually started TALKING!

"So... you like Andrew or..?"

I couldn't help myself and started laughing so hard.
I calmed myself a bit when my belly started hurting because of how much I was laughing and I finally answered the girl.

"No! Absolutely not! I'm teasing him and all, because I'm that way and because of how he reacts... that's all! I'm actually interested in someone else," I explained, "Why? You fancy him or something?" I questioned.

She didn't answer and left. Oh well.

Now, I was sitting beside Bender on the railing back in the library. I was messing with his flannel shirt while he was tearing apart some book.

"That's real intelligent." commented Andrew.

"You're right... It's wrong to destroy literature... It's such fun to read... and, Molet really pumps my nads!" exclaimed the criminal.

"Molière." I corrected at the same time as the queen bitch.

John shot me a surprised look and I just smirked in return while Claire was glaring at us the whole time.

"I love his work." chimed in Brian which earned him the rest of the book thrown at his head and he ducked it just in time.

Now that Bender didn't have a book anymore, he started rearranging some cards in the wrong order.

"Big deal. Nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy," said Bender.

"Speak for yourself," spat Andrew.

"Do you think I speak for you? I don't even know your language," exclaimed the criminal.

The jock looked at John and me before turning to Claire. "You grounded tonight?"

"I don't know... My mom said I was. My dad told me to just blow her off," the princess replied.

The athlete looked at us again before continuing his conversation with Claire.

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