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Zach showed up at Dylan's house to pick up Bailey because she'd been there for four days now

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Zach showed up at Dylan's house to pick up Bailey because she'd been there for four days now. It was nice to have to house to himself for a few days even though he missed his little sister.

It was Ellery who opened the door for him and let him inside. "Where are they?" Zach asked.
"They fell asleep in Dylan's room," Ellery told him. Zach made his way back to Dylan's room only to find them sprawled out on his huge bed. Her head was on his chest with his arms wrapped around her and there were candy wrappers flooding the sheets.

Scooby-Doo was playing on the tv and a carton of lemonade was on the night stand. Definitely Bailey and Dylan. Zach walked over and shook them awake. When they woke up Bailey walked over and have Zach a hug. He picked her up and she rested her head in the crook of his neck.

"I missed you baby," Zach told her.
"I missed you too," she said. Dylan got up from the bed and turned the tv off.
"Hey Zach can I talk to you? Bailey go see if Ellery will make cookies with you," Dylan said. Zach set Bailey down and ran out of the room to find Ellery.

"You're scaring me what do you want to talk about?" Zach asked, concern growing in his eyes. Dylan peeked his head out to make sure the girls weren't listening.

"Okay, so I overheard Dylan talking to Posey about you," Dylan told Zach. He stared at Zach, not saying anything.

"Well are you gonna tell me what they said?" Zach chuckled, eager to hear what Dylan was going to say.

"So basically O'Brien said that he thinks he likes you but he doesn't trust himself. Since he broke up with his girlfriend last year he doesn't know if he wants another relationship because the breakup was hard," Dylan explained. Zach had to refrain from letting his jaw drop.

"Oh my god. No way."


zachmarino7: missing mom right now😔

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zachmarino7: missing mom right now😔

642 337 likes
56 70 comments

eastonturnaround : she'll be back soon i promise

username: um what happened???

username: ^^

dylanobrien: come over we can watch a movie and talk about it

username: i die every time they talk to each other

username: zach's mom doesn't live with them anymore

username: poor baby :(

username: we're here for you zach❤️

zachmarino7: thank you :) username

zachmarino7: i'm on my way dylanobrien

username: this ship is tearing me apart from the inside

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