37. Models & Talking it Out

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Louis POV

Emily held my hand tightly as we fought through a pack of paparazzi. Her head was held down, as she focused on the ground leaving me to do all the smiling. I pulled her along, rubbing my thumb and her hand trying to relax her. We were so close to the show; I could see the red carpet.

The minute Emily and I stepped onto the carpet it turned into a media frenzy. Emily's grip on my hand tightened and she buried her head on my shoulder.

"You can look. Just smile." I comforted. She looked up at me and beamed. I smiled back at her and turned to face the cameras.

"Louis who is this?"

"Is she pregnant?"

"Are you dating?"

"What's her name?"

Questions were being yelled out in every which way. I just kept smiling and moving us down the carpet.

"Smile and wave boys, smile and wave," I muttered between my teeth. Emily laughed, her eyes squinting, her body leaning over a bit, finally relaxing. I chuckled at her reaction. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Louis! Excuse me, may I talk with you?" Someone called out. My head snapped around looking for the voice. Emily tugged at my hand. I turned toward her and saw her pointing to a younger woman waving her right arm to get my attention.

"You sure?" I asked. She nodded and I walked over, Emily following behind.

"Oh hello! I'm Maria Garza for E! and may I ask a few questions?" I nodded curtly.

"Okay, umm, first Emily," Em stiffened next to me, "You look beautiful! Very Marilyn Monroe! Who are you wearing?" She asked.

"You don't-" Before I could even get halfway through my sentence she answered.

"Thank you! I guess you can kinda say I look like Marilyn but please, I will never come foes to being like her. I'm wearing the people I'm here to see today, Olivia and Alice Brooke." I stood there in astonishment that the girl who was so nervous only seconds ago, just answered her first press question ever, without hesitation. Even Maria Garza seemed taken aback by Emily answering the question.

"Oh! Well thank you for answering!" Emily nodded her thank you.

"Okay, only one for you Louis. What is your favorite moment on tour so far?" I chuckled.

"Well recently Harold was hit by a flying shoe. That was pretty funny." The reporter lady faked a laugh.

"Well thank you for your time. Enjoy the show!" Emily and I turned and walked into the small tent.

"She was like a fucking Disney person. 'Have a good show!' I mean, who the hell talks like that?!" I mocked. Emily laughed.

"Evidently, Maria Garza." She answered. I laughed and pulled her along to our seats.

"Front row?" Emily gasped. I nodded and pulled her to our seats in the middle, right next to the catwalk.

"Only the bestest for you," I answered.

"Bestest isn't even a word," she teased. I chuckled and kissed her.

"Louis?!" A female voice shrieked. I froze and slowly turned my head around. There, scurrying toward me, was my least favorite person. Emily gripped my bicep. I could only imagine her under me, screaming my name and gripping onto my arms as I immersed myself into her.

"Who is that?" She hissed. I snapped back from my thoughts.

"Louis!" She called. I stood up and met her halfway. She beamed and engulfed me in a hug.

unexpected love >> tomlinsonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें