29. "Are you ashamed?"

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Louis Pov

The car ride home was filled with chatter about the interview and the questions. Emily had not put on my necklace until I finished the interview and I put it on for her. It was a cursive E pendant made of silver and diamonds. She kissed me as a thank you and we walked hand and hand to the van but the minute we got in something bothered her and she hasnt talked since we left. The boys were kind enough to let us take the back alone and they barely acknowledged us.

When we pulled into the lot we all piled out except Emily who rode with the van to the back. She got to the room before me and when I walked in she was sitting on the couch dazing at the blank television screen.

"Emily,babe whats wrong?"

"Are you ashamed?" She asked. I stood there stunned. What?


"Are you ashamed of me?" My jaw dropped. What the fuck?

"No of course not! Who gave you that crazy ass idea?"

"You."She said simply,standing up and going to kitchen. Hurriedly I followed her.

"What did I do?"

"Oh maybe 'Yeah I know her. I went shopping with her. Shes a friend from high school.' I said you could do whatever but I didn't expect you to friendzone me! Oh and BTW we went to the beach that day." She spat.

"Im sorry Em. I was just trying to protect you. I didnt want to throw you into the sharks before you were ready!" I exclaimed.

"But I understand that! A simple 'I know her' wouldv'e been fine." She took a gulp of water.

"Emily. You are overreacting! Look I'm sorry okay? I can tweet right now and say we are dating." She shook her head.

"I dont care now. Might as well leave the lie for now." What the actual fuck? She was just bitching to me about how she didn't like being friendzoned and now she doesnt give a rats ass? Women are so damn moody.

"You know what. Im gonna go to Niall's. I'll be back by 12." She grabbed a key and walked out. I went back to the couch and sat to stunned to do anything. What just happened? She gets all pissed and then acts like she doesnt care? Fine. I'll give her what she wants and show her how much I don't care.

@Louis_Tomlinson- @emily_wattsXOXO Come back! The bed is empty without you!Xx.

I smiled and put my phone in my pocket. I grabbed my coat and a key and walked out of my room and out of the hotel in search for a bar. I needed a pint and I needed it now. Emily's voice kept rining in my head telling me not to but when I found the pub I opened its door and walked right in.

"Vodka shot please." the barista smiled and poured me a glass with a little more than the legal limit. I almost said somthing but I shrugged and gulped it down, having it burn through my throat.


Niall POV

I was watching football, on the phone with my brother him telling me that he saw my interview and laughing at what was funny and what he hadn't expected. I sat there barely listening, focusing mainly on the game. Dublin was beaing Manchester 1-0 which was something I could rub into the other boys' faces. Liam had decided to join me in the game watching publicly rooting for Dublin but I knew secretly he was going for Manchester. There was a knock at the door just as I had hung up with my brother and got comfortable on the couch. I sighed and stood up.


I opened the door to see Emily standing on the other side.

"Oh hey Em. Whats um up?" I asked rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet, hands shoved into my pockets. Liam cheered from inside making me wish I was cheering with him.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I didnt know Liam was here. I'll leave." I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"He can leave. Come in." I pushed her inside and she walked in saying hello to Liam and giving him a hug. Liam looked between Emily and I and nodded.

"Well I should go. Give you two alone time." I smiled gratefully at him and he walked out. The minute the door clicked closed Emily flopped back onto the bed.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, joining her on the bed. Not until she sniffled did I realize tears were flowing. "Oh no. What happened?"

"I blew up in his face. I told him he could answer that damn question anyway he liked and he fucking friendzoned me to protect me yet being my dumb self I took it the wrong way and yelled at him." She blubbered. I pulled her head onto my lap and I leaned against the headboard playing with her hair. "And he gave me this necklace too!" She cried harder and hiccuped through a choked sob. I sighed.

"How is it that you always end up crying here?" She shrugged.

"Do you think I overreacted?" She asked. My eyes flickered back up to the television in time to see us score.

"YES!! WHOOO!!" I cheered. Emilu sat up in pure shock.

"Excuse me?!" I snapped my attention back to her.

"Oh my goodness Im sorry! I was cheering for the game." She sighed.

"I did it again. I always overreact."

"Emily, you had every right. He did friendzone you and thats not right. But at the same time he was protecting you." I tried reasoning with her. She sighed and screwed her eyes shut, rubbing her temples.

"I dont know what to do Niall. I feel so... so hated. Harry hates me. Louis swings on a vine hating and liking me. It makes me want to go home." She looked so distraught and so worried. Emily was such a people pleaser. No one was allowed to hate her. If some one did, she'd make them like her.

"Emily, Louis doesnt hate you. He adores you. He can never shut up about you. I dont want to hear that come out of your mouth ever again." She stayed silent.

"Of course. Sorry, I just have all these doubts. Look I'm sorry for interuppt your game. I'll go back to my room and apologize to Louis. Thanks Niall."She stood up and kissed my cheek. She turned and walked towards the door. I focusedback onto the game but I noticed that where she stood up from had a little red stain.

"Ummm Emily," She snapped around. All I did was point to get her to gasp and turn an unnatural color of red.

"Shit. Oh my God that's embaressing. Gah I'm so sorry!" I waved her off.

"Dont worry. I'll get someone. Go apologize." She apologized and scurried out to her room.

Emily POV

"Louis? Babe?"I called out into our hotel room. No answer. I checked my phone for any texts but their weren't any. Only a twitter mention. Curiously I clicked on it as I walked to my room to change pants. It revealed a tweet from 45 minutes ago undoubtably from Louis.

@Louis_Tomlinson - @emilywattsXOXO Come back! The bed is empty without you!Xx.

Was that his way of announcing that we were together? Surely he wasn't that cruel,was he? I turned my phone off and threw it on the bed and rummaged through my suitcase for pants and a tampon.

When I had freshened up I heard the door and someone try to quietly close it. I sighed immediatly knowing who it was. I grabbed my phone and walked out.

"The bed was to lonely huh?" He looked up and his expression had it all. He was caught.

Yeah!! Early update! I'll fix everything tomorrow! It was 10:30 when I uploaded it first but then during class had a little bit to add. I wrote this on my Kindle. 

400 votes? 


I wish. Haha. XOXO

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