11. Confidence and Class Dreams

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I walked through school passing everyone. People stared at me. Not because I did something but because of what what I was wearing. Around school I am known as a shy, rich girl not necessarily one who makes fashion statements and makes friends with Louis Tomlinson. I was wearing a leopard print crop top and leather skirt with my hair curled in the back. I was wearing a bowler hat and hat black heels on. Boys whistled and their girlfriends glared.  

I grew confident walking past everyone. I walked to my locker and opened it.  

"Hello best friend!" A chorus of voices rang out. I turned and smiled. 

"Hello my 3 idiots and my idiots boyfriend!" I smirked calling out Matt. 

"Hello my girlfriends best friend." He smiled. 

"It's finally Friday!" Anna whooped.  

"You know what that means!" Jen grinned.

"Girls night!" We cheered. 

"Sorry to rain on your parade but umm Em, I'm afraid you can't do that." Louis said. 


"Don't you have SOMETHING to do?" He asked throwing a wink in. I looked at him completly confused.

"Go with it." I nodded.

"You're right. Sorry girls."  

"No worries. I'll just spend the night with Jen." Anna smiled.

"Sorry, but I think Jen is going to be busy tonight." Matt cut in. With his arms around Jen's waist and her leaning back into him they looked like the perfect couple.

"GET SOME!" Louis yelled. Jen blushed.  

Suddenly the bell rang.  

"See y'all later. Cant be late for Hendricks." Anna said, dashing away.

"Yeah we gotta go too. Lunch?" Jen asked. I nodded and Matt led her down the hall. 

"Oh by the way be home at 6." Louis said. 

"Why?" I asked. Was he going to ask me out out on a date? 

"Just make sure." He smiled and walked away. I have some seriously strange best friends. I grabbed my trigonometry book and science spiral and walked down to English.


Louis POV 


"Oh by the way be home at 6." I smirked. 

"Why?" Emily asked. Her confused face was so adorable. 

"Just make sure." I smiled I turned around and walked away. Hopefully I didn't have much homework. I seriously needed to talk to Em today. I was talking to Harry last night and one of the things he said made me think.

H: Are you and this Emily girl dating? 

L: No. Just friends 

H: Do you have feelings for her?

L: No Just as friends. Shes like a sister

H: Yeah, but brother and sisters dont have sex

L: We didnt have it!

H: Whatever. You are both in luv and cant realize it. After all, do just friends have sex?

L: Whatever We r just friends. thats all

H: ok. I gtg. see ya in two weeks?

L: Yep :) and Emily :)

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