21. Please Remember

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I paced the hall biting my nails to the bone. The white walls seemed stare at me blankly with no answers. I felt myself going insane. I could feel the walls caving in. No answers. No words. Nothing.

They took her in and kicked me out. I protested, needing to stay by her but we all know how that went. So now here I am pacing in the hall. What was supposed to be a happy, fun night turned into hell.

"Lou?" Harry's voice tentatively whispered from behind me.

"What?" I croaked keeping my back turned. He couldn't see me cry. He couldn't.

"Do you want anything? Zayn and I are going to get food from the cafeteria." I could hear the nervousness in his voice. It was hoarse and cracked, filled with pain and sympathy at the same time. He stayed back, giving me space yet he was close enough that I could reach out and touch him.

"Just a water please." I answered. I could hear his boots squeak as he turned on his heel and walked away from me. Him and those damn boots. They were holed and torn yet he demanded on keeping them. I turned to look at everyone in the waiting room.

Jen and Anna were leaning against each other, eyes red and puffy, makeup washed off. Liam was comforting a broken,sobbing Niall. Poor lad was a complete mess. Everyone looked broken and hollow. I took a deep breath and walked over to them and took a seat.

"Lou." Anna spoke. I turned to look at her.

"Yes?" I asked.

"She's strong. She'll overcome the pain and everything." She and I shared a weak smile. The doctors only took her in to see the cuts and check her out for damage. They said the most she would need were stitches in her back but that was before the did a full exam. I knew she wouldnt need surgery or anything major, but I just wanted to hold her. To tell her I was here. To hold her hand and kiss her. Just for her to know I'm here. When I finally get her she vanishes.

"Louis?" Zayn called. I looked at his brown eyes. He threw me my water. I caught it and took a sip cooling my dry throat. I smiled weakly at Zayn as a thank you not wanting to use my voice.

Silence covered us like a blanket. No one dared to move. We were all waiting. It seemed as even in the waiting room everyone was quiet, immobile. It was as if the world forgot to breathe.

I shifted in my seat, the plastic squeaking. Gosh, these seats were uncomfortable. I shifted again. Then once again. And again.

"Will you stop that?!" Jen snapped. I froze looking at her puffy face, red eyes glaring at me.

"Sorry." I mumbled and stood up, walking towards a window and froze, looking out into the bustling streets. I heard a plastic chair squeak and small steps hurry to me. A hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder.

"Im sorry Lou. Im just stressed. My best friend is back there and Im really worry." I turned and gave her a small smile.

"Its fine. If I were you I would've snapped at myself anyways." She let out a strangled laugh. I pulled her into my chest, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She wrapped her arms around my waist  and we stood there in each others company, hugging.

"She'll be fine." Jen smiled removing her warmth and turning to go sit. I nodded.

"She will." I turned to look back at the window. People in business clothes hurried around. Families shopping with their kids. Everyone looked so happy. Yet here I was in the hospital because of some douche who hurt-

"Emily Watts. Looking for the family of Emily Watts." A ladies voice rang out.  I was immediatly snapped from my thoughts. I turned to look at the nurse and called out saying that I was her boyfriend. I walked back to the standing group joy and excitement filling my steps. I could see her again! I could my Emily in my arms.

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