34. Cliche Performances & Tired Eyes

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Lazily I was scrolling through my tweets and my Twitter feed reading about how excited the fans were for the boys' first performance of the TMH tour. Fans tweeted about how they already were lined up and how they wish they could come but couldn't.

It had been concluded by the group that my freak Harry/werewolf was in fact a hallucination and proved that i was more mental than Louis himself.

Over the past day or so, the Little Mix girls and i had become friends considering they were each easy to get along with. I had learned that they'd be leaving basically right after the boys' performance which made me want to scream and curse at the gods.

I had also met the boys' opening act, an aussie group named 5SOS. I had a feeling the minute I met them that they would soon have millions of girls swooning over them. I learned their names quite easily; Luke was your typical boyband figure with perfect teeth and hair, Ashton is the oldest and probably the most immature (which is a quality that seems to be possessed by each eldest of every grup) and he also had an adorable childlike smile. Calum reminded me most of a teddy bear and his chocolate eyes are to die for. Then there was Micheal whom I learned had dyed his hair a few times and at the moment had black colored hair. They were all pretty chill and were quite awkward in the beginning but we soon became able to hold an actual conversation.

The boys were doing their vocal warm ups with collisions of Little Things and Kiss You floating through the room. Lou was finishing with hair while Lux toddled around the room. The Little Mix girls were scattered while I just sat there on the couch.

"5SOS. 10 to show." Paul said gruffly, poking his head through the door. They looked at each other frightened yet excited at he same time. Immediately the One Direction boys started giving them advice such as to relax and just have fun.

"Its time." Paul spoke suddenly from the door. The boys nodded and headed out to the stage with choruses of "You'll do great!" and "Good luck". They marched out the door and excitement coursed through the air. This meant 30 minutes till show. The show that these boys were all to well prepared for.

Right when the screaming started Ashton ran into the room frantic.

"Where are my drum sticks?! I cant find them!" All of us jumped up and looked around the room hurriedly. That was until I noticed Harry just sitting there, a smug smile tugging at his lips.

"Found them," I said crossing my arms over my chest, locking into a stare with the curly haired boy.

"What? I dont have them." He put his hands up in surrender.

"You may not have them but you sure as hell know where they are."

"Do not!" He protested, fighting back a grin.

"Bullshit! You know very fucking well where those drumsticks are!" I shouted.

"You aren't my mother." He seethed.

"Harry, if you have them give them back. Ashton needs to be onstage." Liam scolded. Harry huffed and walked over to the couch I was sitting on.

"Get up fat ass." He whispered angrily. I gasped yet did as he commanded.

"HARRY!" yelled Perrie in pure shock. He stuck his hand into the couch and produced 2 drumsticks and handed them to Ashton. Ashton snatched them from his hands and dashed back to the stage.

"Harry what the hell man?" Niall asked. Harry shrugged and stalked out of the room.

"What crawled up his pants?" muttered Jesy.

"You okay baby doll?" Perrie asked. I nodded and smiled at her, sitting back down and opening up Cookie Clicker. The air was thick and uneasy after that. Angrily I tapped my cookie pretending it was Harry's face. I swiped away a stray tear and continued clicking.

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