New Roads! Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"Whoa! That indeed seems amazing. Tell us more about it."

"Well to help understand I will tell you about my Avatar."


"My online character is called Jeremy, like me, I also kept the same physical appearance and shape. I chose the Human race, male obviously."

"Wait, did you see race?"

"Yes, I know that everyone was expecting something similar to The Path but this new game couldn't be more different. When you connect for the first time you have to decide your race, physical shape, and appearance, including your facials. Then you have to choose a starting place. As Beta testers, we only had two choices but I was told that there would be more at the official launch."

"Wait for a minute, you're going too fast! Tell us about the races!"

"Fine, fine. There is the Human race which allows you to start in the Kingdom of Braeen in the East and the one of Shelfir in the South. Then there is the Beastman and Elven races."

"So, it's a Fantasy based universe!"

"Haha, yes it is."

"Okay, that's the first real news so far! You heard it, people, RetroGame's new baby is a fantasy world! Tell us, Jeremy, is there magic, and mystical beasts too?"

"Yes, there is. I once fought against a genuine Dragon."

"Really how was it."

"Truthfully I died after 2 minutes without even landing a hit! It was so frustrating and terrifying!"

"Sounds like the game is difficult!"

"It is! I don't remember how many times I died! And then there is the Death Penalty too."

"What is it?"

"Every time you die you respawn back at the last Temporary Base you selected. It can be a safe area like a city or a town or a cabin in the middle of hostile woods. It's practical if you want to grind, you set it up close to your hunting area or a healing place and you're set for days!"

"I can see the advantages."

"You won't be able to reconnect for a whole in-game day through. It helps avoid camping red players but you always feel frustrated while waiting."

As the host was exchanging pleasantries about red players and untimely character death, I was thinking of this death penalty, up to now it appeared as if the Base and unconnection system were set up to permit the players to rethink their strategy and come back with full health in battle.

All in all, nothing to call it a penalty. This had also crossed my sister's mind as she said.

"Doesn't sound too bad to me. Where's the trick?"

As if he heard her the guest Jeremy started talking again.

"What is truly annoying about death is the stats. When you die you lose a stat in your primary characteristic."

"Which are?"

"Well, strength, toughness, dexterity, speed, vitality, and intelligence. Sometimes other stats get lowered too, like honor, dignity, or luck. Depends on the circumstances of your death."

"Is it permanent?"

"That's where the trick is. You have to regain them by killing a numerous number of mobs/monsters but if you level up before you do they are gone forever. I knew a few guys who didn't know it and now have ten levels worth of stats less than their own levels."

Fantasy World Online I: New RoadsWhere stories live. Discover now