Chapter Ten: The Right Path

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Shearah chuckled as she saw me at my most vulnerable. She lend me her hand as she helped me up.

As I got up with all the might that I had left, we suddenly heard a rustling noise coming from the bushes.

We both were shocked, but we were ready.

Shearah swiftly got up and grabbed her sword and aimed it at the mysterious stranger, while I'm struggling to keep my composure and hold my stance.

As the bushes started rustling even faster, the assailant turned out to be my buddy, Dalyor.

When I saw his face, I was shocked and surprised to see him, I tried to stop Shearah from actually trying to kill him.

"Shearah, stop!" I screamed as I reached for her sword that she was beginning to aim.

"I know him, I know him."

"Yeah, get your girl cause she is totally insane!" Dalyor screamed.

"I'm not his girl! I'm practically his friend"

"Soon to be girlfriend" Dalyor jokingly said as he sticks his lips out and made kissing sounds.

Shearah, out of rage leaps over Lorcan and place her sword near his chest as she has him pinned to the ground.

"Watch it!"

Dalyor gulps with fear as his body begins to shake and quiver.

"Who's she?"

"That's Shearah. We met several hours ago. She is a real feisty one so just be careful with what you say and do around her."

"Yeah, no shit!" Dalyor screamed with an intimidated vibe.

"What are you doing out here, Dalyor?" I asked him.

"I escaped Mariana's wrath and I tried to find my way over to Haven Moon so that I could be safe."

"That's where were going. We just gotta cross through the dark forest and Haven Moon is over that path." Shearah said.


We all looked over and we witnessed that the path to the dark forest was a long path, I hoped that it just look long, but it's really a short path.

"Let's go" Lorcan said.

We all made our way to the path on the dark forest. The light was fading, creating new shadows and dark patches around me.

Eyes glimmered from tree hollows. The wind wailed between distorted trunks, carrying the sickly stink of wood rot. I moved faster, ignoring the briers that caught at my pants, the damp leaves that grimed my skin

I lifted my face, letting the light and shadow dance across my skin.
I inhaled its minty smell and continued on, delighting in the sound of my feet sliding through the leaves. 

The trees stood utterly still, statues in a living museum where no leaf dared to fall.
The soldiers of trees swaying back and forth trying to look for its next prey. The foggy mist made it impossible to see in the near distance.

"Guys, do you know where is anything out here?" Dalyor said with fear riddled in his voice.

"Just keep quiet and stay calm these are dangerous barks" Shearah said.

Dalyor gulps with fear as he leaned his head up and saw all the flowing tree barks reaching down towards him as they began to grow into the shapes of hands.

"Dalyor, look out!"

Shearah grabs her sword and she leaps over Dalyor to swipe the tree hands in half.

As soon as she got them, three more emerged from the horizon and they all suddenly swooped in towards her.

Shearah attacks. Her blade flashes and rings against the wood, giving Lorcan time to get Dalyor and get out of the woods. Suddenly, Shearah swings the blade still manacled to his left hand at Will's head. The hands dodges it, comes up with an wide-eyed expression.

Then Shearah's blade smashes across the wooded hands, disarming them.

Sherah parries with sword and her bow and arrow. Shearah leaps up into the air almost reaching up to a thousand feet up and with her rope wraps around all the attacking hands; but the hands twists the handle of her guard through a link, and stabs the sword up into her chest.

Shearah screams in agony, as she falls to the ground in full speed. She than crashes to the ground like a meteor landing on earth.

She stumbles herself up and places her hand on the wound. Grunting and moaning with pain, she quickly gets up from her own little crater and she stumbles towards the small light at the end of the forest.

As she is stumbling towards the light as fast as she could, the bark hands make their way back and they swoop towards her almost reaching her.

Shearah is stumbling faster while the barks are catching up to her even faster.

As the light got closer, Shearah felt almost as if she had a little bit of hope left, but as she looked down she noticed that her wound was bleeding even deeper and deeper as she felt that she was draining from all the blood in her body.

The pounding of her heart soon began to get louder and louder and louder as she got closer. When the light go close enough, Shearah leaps over the light and falls across the floor and as the barks reached to the light, it began to burn from the intensity of the sunlight and it ran back inside for cover.

Shearah lay on the floor looking upon the sky. Her breath begins to tremble. She has trouble breathing and she starts rubbing her wound.

"Lorcan" she responds with a mellow voice.
Then in that instant, Shearah closed her eyes and passed away.

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