Chapter 18 - A Past Forgotten??

Start from the beginning

This somehow was instilled in me and after her death I would do as she instructed. Tears fell down my eyes and my throat started getting stuffy. I felt like I might choke, my body started shaking heavily, I tried my best to control myself but I couldn't. Thoughts and images of my wife flashed across my mind, images of the night she died, images of the night I felt like I was in hell. I took deep breaths and changed my focus to the good times of my wife, my son and I and then I finally calmed down. I got up out of bed and went to the kitchen to prepare my favorite breakfast, bacon, eggs, French toast and orange juice. Although it was a simple breakfast it always seemed to satisfy my body because after eating my stomach would grumble in satisfaction.

I forgot to switch the television off last night because the CNM news channel was on and the reporter was speaking about the economy of the country that seems to be weakening every year. It was sad to see the state that the country was in, ever since the election of the new president, the false promises that he made that he would improve the lives of the lower working class and the economy. In the end it's all the same, false promises, hunger for power, corruption and suffering among-st the poor. My focus shouldn't be on nonsense, I have a breakfast to make. Whilst hearing the sound the eggs make when frying in the pan and preparing the bacon for the other pan, the news reporter shifted the focus of the president and spoke about the mass killings that have been occurring recently. I glued my eyes to the small screen that displayed images of dead bodies.

Image after image was processing in my mind and then thoughts and images of the strange dream took the place of the other images, my legs felt weaker, my forehead started throbbing and my heart's beats became faster and faster, they would increase every minute. My eye's vision blurred and became hazy; I could not see the television screen properly. In fact I couldn't see anything within my sight properly and then the throbbing of my forehead increased in pain. Through the blurry vision I could see a being in front of television; they were facing my direction for some reason and came closer. My legs couldn't handle my weight any longer and gave in, I felt like I was falling, falling to my death. I landed hard on the floor; anyone that was in the apartment would hear a loud bang. My eye's visions became even blurrier and then I heard faint noises, it sounded like someone was shouting and then I could not see anything. That's the last thing I remembered...

~Devon's POV

My mind and body separated from Detective Cohen and I was in the exact same place I was before when I arrived at the apartment, I was in front of the television and my eyes were glued to it. I thought for a second that my mind didn't become a part of Detective's Cohen, that I was just imaging it all, given the circumstances that I'm in Detective's Cohen's home and with him and he does not notice my presence. Something feeling in my mind nagged me to turn around. I turned around and I saw that Detective Cohen's face was pale and that his eyes were red. At that moment instinct took over and my legs took me to Detective Cohen. I don't know why my body reacted on its own to Detective Cohen's physical condition, I think it was the fact that he was another human, even though he died long ago and I was in his world observing his world.

As I was approaching him, he fell smack down on the floor, it made a loud noise. I started shouting, to show him that I was there and that I was there to help him. It's something that humans always do when someone is getting injured, even though it doesn't usually help. His body became lifeless when I reached him and I tried to shake him awake but my hands would go through him each time. As if I wasn't allowed to alter the past but I was allowed to watch it. I felt helpless and tears fell down my eyes, I cried and screamed at the top of my lungs. The vision world that I was in fell apart suddenly, the walls, the equipment and the floors of the apartment starting evaporating into black nothingness.

The television and the breakfast that Detective Cohen was busy making earlier evaporated as well, pieces of Detective Cohen were evaporating into black nothingness. The floors that I was standing on evaporated and I felt like I was falling because wind was blowing upwards past my face and body. The apartment was getting further and further away from me and a black space was immersing me and swallowing my body whole. Was this the end of me as well, would I evaporate into black nothingness and never return to my own world and home. I closed my eyes and pleaded to whoever was out there to save me, to save me from this hell I opened my eyes and I was still trapped in this black space getting further and further away from the apartment. I closed them again and strangely an image of the creature with the letters d and s popped in my mind. The words the creature said repeated over in my mind "Poor Devon".

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