Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

MAXON DID NOT LET GO of my hand as we walked through the forest, the guards surrounding us in case there was an assassin somewhere that might attack.

I tripped when my dress got caught on a stray branch. Some of the guards flinched and tried to catch me. But it was Maxon who caught me.

I simpered sheepishly. I forced myself to stand up and fix myself, but Maxon's hold on me didn't leave. I stared at his hand on my wrist, but he still didn't take it off. I looked up and saw worry in his eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded but he shook his head. "America, you've been coughing and sniffing throughout the whole walk. You've been drinking water every now and then. You're shaking uncontrollably —" his hand touched my forehead, then my neck "— and your temperature is increasing. I don't think you're alright."

I shook my head at his worrying. I smiled at him to reassure him. "I'm fine," I said.

But odds were not on my favor as my body betrayed me. My vision got hazy and closed into darkness. I felt limp and my limbs weakened and buckled. I felt someone catch me and Maxon's voice echoed my name. Someone kept on shaking me but I just gave in to the pouding headache.


I blinked, and the brightness of the white room brought back the headache. I groaned as I tried to sit up, but someone softly pushed my shoulders back down onto the soft mattress underneath me.

"Just keep resting," said a voice that was all too familiar. It belonged to a woman. I squinted at her face and almost gasp. It was the queen.

"Your Majesty, I —" she cut me off by raising her index finger.

"Hush, sweetheart. Do not worry, you're safe now. Do you need something?" She was sitting beside my bed, at my left.

I shook my head, though I really needed water. She cocked her head to the side and said, "Do not hesitate, Lady America." She grabbed a glass of water from the side table beside her and helped me sit up.

"Thank you," I said as I accepted the glass. When I was finished drinking, I held the glass on my lap. "My queen, may I ask how long I was unconscious?" I asked, holding my temples.

"I'm afraid I do not know. But it has been half an hour since you arrived." She stood up from her seat and nodded at someone I couldn't see. "Doctor, please resume to Lady America's medication now. Help her settle and tell me as soon as possible when she's ready and well."

"Yes, Your Highness," Dr. Blue said. She finally came into view, wearing her uniform.

"I will see you soon. I will go and ask for Maxon to visit you." Queen Amberly smiled at me before leaving.

Dr. Blue approached my bed with a container and a clipboard in her hands. "What is that?" I asked, referring to the white plasticware on her right hand.

She looked at it before sitting down on the seat where the queen had been just moments ago. "Paracetamol," she said. "It will help with the headache." She handed me the container. "Take one," she instructed.

Doing as told, I finished the remaining of the water in my glass and put it on the side table.

Dr. Blue was writing down notes on the clipboard when I faced her again. "How are you feeling?" she asked without looking up from the paper.

I shrugged. "Fine, I think."

She nodded, still scribbling. She looked up at me as she said, "Prince Maxon reported that you have cough and cold, you have been shivering and your temperature has been increasing. Do you confirm these observations?"

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