Chapter One

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I won't let you down.

These five words kept on running around my mind.

Those were five words I had said to Maxon before I left him on the palace's wooden front doors, and climbed up the stairs; before the king basically told me I'd lose, one way or another. As if he had heard what I had told Maxon.

Those were just five simple words.

But this time, I mean it.

Tonight, Anne brought my dinner to my room, as I had asked her to. I couldn't face the rest of the Elite after embarrasing myself not only in front of them and the Royal Family, but also of all in Illéa that had seen the Illéa Capital Report. Also, I couldn't face the king after what he'd said to me a few hours ago, just this afternoon.

And the main reason: I couldn't face the fact that Maxon and Kriss wouldn't be there because they were together... in Kriss' room..

A knock came on the door. Quickly, Mary gathered the cards that the four of us were playing. Lucy scrambled off the bed where she had been lying on her stomach a few moments ago. Anne and Mary stood up, too. I remained seated on my bed, my legs still crossed and my back leaning on the headboard, too lazy to stand. I didn't care - I was tired. But I didn't want the girls to leave yet.

Anne reached for the handle and opened the door, revealing Aspen in his uniform. "Officer Leger?" she asked. He looked confused to see us in the room.

"Anne? Mary? Lucy? Lady America? I thought you were leaving today..." he said, "I saw the lights on and wondered why. I was doing my rounds. I was confused. I never got the memo that you're staying."

"Well, clearly, she isn't leaving, officer," said Lucy.

"Oh," he only said.

"If you don't mind, we still have something else to do," I said. Quite rude, I know but I don't want to see him for now. I have to dismiss my old feelings for him. Not all of it - I can't do that - but at least decrease to minimize it. I have to; so I can and I may win the Selection.

"Of course, Lady America. I shall go back to my rounds. Good evening, ladies." He bowed unnecessarily, then left. Anne closed the door.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Lucy stifle a yawn. I figured we were all tired. "Why don't you girls go and rest? It seems like we're all exhausted."

The girls nodded and left me alone in my room. I climbed off my bed, not bothering to put on my slippers. I opened my balcony door, welcoming the cold Illéan November night air. I breathed in then sighed, stepped out and felt my toes touching the cold floor.

I let my thoughts cloud my mind:

Maxon wanted me to stay.

There are only four girls left in the Selection.

I had embarassed myself in front of all Illéa.

I had disappointed Silvia, who thought I had a perfect philantropy project.

The king loathes me.

I'm the least useful, least popular, and least liked of the rest of Elite:

Elise has allies in New Asia - a Four.

Kriss was adored by most of Illéan people, and chosen by advisers - a Three

Celeste was voted by advisers and most people of Illéa, too - and she's a model! - a Two.

Me? Just a singer with a few talents in music. I'm a Five, a nobody. How much of a use is classic music in Politics? In Royalty? It's just for entertainment.


"We need a leader, not a comedienne."

The article from Celeste's magazine...

I was the last of the poll when we were five back then.

Natalie would've stayed if only her family was safe; if her sister hadn't died. She would still be above me.

I may have Maxon's heart from the beginning, but I do not have his trust.

I act rashly toward Maxon when I'm not pleased with what he does; I blame him, and shut him out.

"You forget yourself, Lady America. It would do you well to remember that I am the crown prince of Illéa. For all intents and purposes, I am lord and master of this country, and I'll be damned if you think you can treat me like this in my own home. You don't have to agree with my decisions, but you will abide by them."

So he replaced me with Kriss.

"I need you to have faith in me, America."

"I need you to be wholly open with me."

Another sigh.

I turned around and walked back to my room, closing the balcony door behind me. A hesitant knock came, and I hurriedly jumped to my bed. I pretended to be asleep, pulling the covers up to my chin, and laid on my side, my back facing the door.

I heard the hesitant knock again.

Seconds later, the person knocking the door gave up on knocking. No, they didn't leave. Instead, they entered my room. I stayed still, controlling my breathing into normal slow, just like sleeping. I kept my eyes closed, and I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder.


His voice...

Maxon hastily removed his hand off of my shoulder, and exhaled. He sat beside me on my bed, his weight pushing down on the mattress foam, and I rolled to lay on my back, shifting a bit closer to him. I still kept my eyes closed.

"I believe in you." He ran his fingers across my cheek and kissed my forehead.

He stood up, and his weight was gone. I heard the door click.

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