Episode Four, Chapter Six. "The Fall Pt. I"

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"Where the hell is Cheyanne?" Noah asks.

"Haven't seen her in a few days, figured she just went out on a run or something." D'Andre answers.

"Well if she's been gone this long something might've happened. Go stop by her house, she if she's been hiding there."

D'Andre nods and takes the key to her house off of the key rack by Noah's desk.
He turns and jogs out of the town hall, leaving Noah to think in silence.


After we take whatever we can from the Citgo, we store everything in the truck bed and climb in afterwards.
Shane sits in the back seat next to Ryan and stares at me as Glenn starts the truck.

"There a problem, Shane?" I ask.

"Not at all." He answers blankly. He continues to stare at me for a few more seconds before turning his head and looking out of the window.

"You okay Jacob?" Asks Glenn.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine, why?" I answer.

"You just seem shocked at everything, just checking in."

"My brother just returned from the dead after I watched him die a few weeks ago... Of course I'm shocked Glenn."

"Sorry I asked."

"Your fine... I just got a bad feeling in my stomach."

"You need me to pull over by the woods for a minute or two?"

"No, not that kind of feeling. I feel like something bad is happening." I pause to take a breath. "That night I was sleeping, after I lost my hand... I had a dream, a bad one. The town was overrun, and people died... A lot of them."

"Relax, Jake. It's just a dream, I'm sure the town is fine."


"Hello?" D'Andre knocks loudly. No answer. He takes the house key and unlocks the door, when it opens, the smell of rotting corpse fills his lungs.
He puts his hands over his mouth and nose and begins to cough heavily.

"Goddammit!" He says aloud. He takes a few steps inside and unsheathes his knife and readies it.
"Cheyanne?" Still no answer. He starts to make his way upstairs, creeping slowly on each stair, trying to keep quiet.

The sound of a groaning walker grow louder and louder with each passing step. When he gets upstairs, he heads over to Cheyanne's bedroom. The door sits cracked barely enough to see in. The light from the window is covered for a split second and the walker bursts through the door.

D'Andre falls, dropping his knife and rolling down the stairs with the walker.
It climbs over him and tries to bite into his shoulder.
He kicks it off and climbs on top of it, digging his thumbs into the walkers eye balls.
He then stands and heads upstairs, grabs his knife, and tosses it into the walkers skull once it stands again.

"D'Andre!" Noah shouts. He heads downstairs to see him.

"She's dead." D'Andre announces.

"Damn... I don't mean to be so sudden but we got a problem at the gate."

"A problem?"

"Yeah, Jordan needs help clearing out the walkers, they're pushing on one of the older walls and it's about to fall."

D'Andre nods and the two of them rush over to the wall to meet up with Jordan.

Gunfire sounds as the two of them approach the gate. The wall gives in, knocking Jordan off of the wooden platform.
It gives way as the walkers push into it and crushes Jordan, trapping him between the dirt and the rubble.

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