Episode Three, Chapter Four. "Escape"

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Garrett slams the gate shut, leaving Sara and Ryan trapped.  He starts to head back towards the pits and stops for a short moment.

"Jerry, stay here and make sure these two don't leave.  Tomorrow's games are gonna be good for sure!"  He orders.

"Yes boss.  You don't have anything to worry about."  Jerry replies.

"Good.  I like you, Jerry.  You seem to follow your orders, and that's good."  He continues his walk back towards the pits.


The sound of a women struggling begins to fill the gymnasium.  Seconds later, Chad pushes Alice into the pit with me.
"I'm sorry." He says. He turns and walks away. When she rises to her feet, she runs up to hug me.

"Are you alright?"  I ask.  "What happened?"

"Garrett made us watch...  We saw the whole thing."

"So that means you saw Glenn too, right?"

"Yeah, he's okay.  But I don't know where everybody else is."

"It's okay, we'll figure something out.  We'll find the rest of the group, the kids, and we will leave."

"You make it seem a lot easier than it is, Jake."

"I'm sure it's gonna be hard, but we can do it, alright?  Don't doubt yourself.  Don't doubt us.  We will get out of here, no matter what it takes."

"How are we supposed to get out of this pit?"

"Garrett either has something planned, or he's just plain stupid.  I can lift you out of the pit and you can go find everyone.  If you can pull me up, I'll go."

"Are you sure about this?  What happens when Garrett finds out?"

"Screw him, he won't be able to do anything to us if he doesn't know where we are."

"And if he's with the group?  What if he starts torturing them?"

"Just come on, let's get out of here and then worry about it."

She steps onto my hands and then climbs onto my shoulders.  I lift her up and she looks around, when the coast is clear, she pulls herself up, and helps me up after.

"We gotta get Glenn."  I whisper.  We exchange glances and head over to the pit next to us.  Glenn sits in a corner.  Blood covers his fists and the entire front of his shirt.

"Glenn!"  Alice whispers.  He looks up and lightly smiles.  "You alright?"

"I'm fine, just...  Just get me out of here!"  He whispers back.  He stands up and backs against the wall.  I lay down and stick my hand out for him to grab.
He sprints toward the wall and moves up, grabbing my hand, I pull him up.

He nearly falls when he comes to his feet. He wipes the dirt off his jeans and looks up to Alice and I.

"Thanks." He says.

"Gotta stick together, whether you like it or not." I reply.

"So how are we getting out of here?" He asks.

"Not sure. First things first, we gotta find everyone else."

"We still gotta get Chad, I know you saw what he did but he didn't want to. It was that or die."

I nod. "Come on, let's go." I start jogging over to Chad as he tries to open the door. "Chad!" I whisper. He turns around to look at me.

"You guys got out?" He says.

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