Episode Two, Chapter Seven. "The Colony"

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"So this place.  The Colony you said it was?  What else can you tell us about it?"  Alice asks.

"In the beginning, the place was run by government and military.  Over time, civilians and survivors slowly took over the place.  Renamed what was Ann Arbor, The Colony.  It's a weird name, I know.  But it's run by smart people.  It's self sufficient, got plenty of supplies.  The people are friendly...  Living there almost feels like the world never changed honestly."  Chad answers.

"Then why leave?  Why go out on these runs, killing walkers for fun, stuff like that."

"I like to remind myself that the world isn't what it used to be.  As much as I want to forget that and hang around town all day, watching TV, I can't.  Too much has happened, stuff you can't just close your eyes and say it's not there.  Because it is, and I need to keep my guard up.  When that fails, you die.  Simple as that."

"Bit of a dark person."  Sara says.

"He's not dark, this new world just hasn't been working in his favor."  Colin says.

"Did you say something about TV?"  Asks Ryan.

"Yes I did."  Chad replies.  "It's not live, of course.  But, we have DVR players, Blu-ray.  We have a few consoles for video games that you kids might like."

"So you have electricity then?"  I say.

"We do.  That's why I said it feels like the world never went to shit."

"How much of the place did you guys take?  Ann Arbor is kinda big."

"We took enough to have a good crop and water system, enough space for houses, a playground for the kids.  You'll fall in love with the place the moment you lay eyes on it."

"It's not much on the outside, but once you get inside...  That's where it's at."  Colin adds.

"There's still something we need to do before we can bring all of you back to The Colony with us." Glenn says. "We need to know that we can trust you. We need to know that you can take care of yourselves and contribute. Otherwise we can't take you in."

"Glenn, you can trust us. You trusted me before, you can trust me now."

"No. I can't. That man you mentioned, Enrique? You said you killed him right? He wasn't trying to kill you, but you killed him anyways. Not because you had to, not because you had that ability... You did it because you wanted to."

I sigh and keep silent. Knowing what Glenn said was true. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and look out the window of the truck. A walker roams the fields, alone, shambling north and staggering over each step.

After a while, the truck comes to a stop by a large brick wall. "Get out," Chad says. Everyone climbs out of the truck, I grab the duffle bag from the back and follow the group. We walk up to the gate and it slowly opens, making a loud screeching sound with it. When the gates open, they reveal what was once Ann Arbor, but now a thriving city in this new world.

Chad turns around to look at us. "You made it," He takes a deep breath and releases it happily. "Welcome to The Colony." He says.

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