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I want to die.

That's what I want to say. It's what I want to say to everyone, not that they'd care much.

I tightly strap the laces of my military boots and get up from my bed, making my way to my vanity case.

Oh, why I want to die? I should probably explain.

I dab my foundation onto the marks on my face, bruises from earlier this week that I don't want the rest of the campus to see.

Perfect. I still look like a mess, but a mess without bruises on her face.

See, I want to die for many reasons. One, I'm a victim of depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.

Two, my parents are both absent from my life. My mother died in the military, and my father is in jail for reasons unknown to me - I was two when he was imprisoned.

Three, I'm a nuisance to everyone in my life, not to mention a literal pain. Did I mention I have anger issues?

Four, someone ate my cupcake this morning.

I yank open my door and storm out to the hallway of my dormitory.

"Hey! Who ate my cupcake?!" I yell at the loudest I possibly can.

Rage boils within and I've given up on my sanity about three minutes ago.

I rush into Cathlyn's room, where I can already see the crumbles of my vanilla cupcake spread on her carpet. Cathlyn is laying on her bed, trying to act oblivious, but I can see her shaking as she tries to type something on her laptop.

"So, we're hiding now, aren't we?" I say agitated.

I grab her by her stupid, pink, cartoon sweater's collar and shake her until she shrieks.

"You're going to pay," I say in the most intimidating voice possible, exclamating every word into her ear.

"I'm sorry," She stutters out.

"Sorry isn't going to get me that cupcake back, now is it?"

"I'll buy you a new one. Please, don't hurt me. You can copy my homework for the rest of your life."

For some reason, today, I feel merciful.

"Fine, I'll only punch you four times."

"Please-" She begs one last time before I knock her square in the jaw.

I bang my fist against her tiny, innocent, little face again. And again. And one last time.

I'm done. She shivers relentlessly and pulls her legs to her chest, sobbing into her knees.

I leave the room calmly, my temper having calmed down. As I walk down the stairs I casually tie my hazelnut-coloured hair into a messy bun, a few strands hanging loose, shaping my face.

When I reach the second floor I catch Eric closing his bedroom door as I walk past, still terrified after our little hang-up last week about who should apologize first. Long story short, I won and he may or may not have a fractured rib.

Interesting fact: Eric and I have dated for three years, high school sweethearts if you will. I don't know how Eric managed to cope with me for that long, but he did. Bad mistake.

I nonchalantly stroll down to the ground floor and stride past a couple of girls giggling on about something. I don't know why, but I have the need to trip the tall, blonde one, and so I do. I don't even turn back to watch as she tumbles to the ground.

"Jerk!" Her other blonde friend yells at me.

I would kick her in the groin, but I have somewhere to be, so I just grab the glass laying on the counter next to me and throw it to her back, and it hit perfectly, as it always does. I never miss.

I walk out of the house and spin my motorcycle keys around my finger as I walk to David. You might think David is a person, but you're quote wrong. I've named my motorcycle David. Something about the fact that I could say: "I'm just going to ride David," intrigued me.

I hop onto my bike and speed through the streets of campus, taunting students with my loud ruckuss.

I pass the Fraternity up ahead and throw my middlefinger in the air at Olly Black.

(You probably already think I'm a bitch, but at least I have a reason to hate Olly. I don't think I can ever forgive him for what he'd done to me.)

I speed way past the speed limits and rush out of Olympus University past the gates and head out, until-

Suddenly, a snow-white car comes into view with the licence plate: Angel Society #3.

I try to brake, but fail miserably and my bike hits the back of the car before I fly out of my motorcycle onto the hood of the car, feeling pain everywhere, especially my ribs.

Everything goes black, and the last thing I see is the faded shape the driver looking at me from above

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