f o u r - 1

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Hello jello.

You Don't Own Me by Grace feat. G-Eazy

"Don't tell me what to do,
And don't tell me what to say,
Please, when I go out with you,
Don't put me on display."


f o u r // m e e t i n g { part one }


Aedan's familiar voice was low in my ears, the pounding nightclub music mere background noise. My mind was still hazy, but I still could remember the mysterious stranger's bright blue eyes, my memory not letting go of the sight anytime soon.

Blinking out of my thoughts, I turned my body towards Aedan. His blond hair was ruffled into that after-sex way, as was his clothes. One of his buttons was in the wrong place. I suppressed the urge to ask him where the hell was he when I was nearly assaulted. But part of me didn't want to tell him about the stranger.

"Um, what time is it?" I asked stupidly instead.

Aedan looked at me as if I would fall flat on my face in a few seconds, and I wondered the same thing.

"It's about time for the meeting, we should get there before they do." Aedan sighed.

Gently putting a hand on the middle of my back, he coaxed me out of the crowd till we were standing in front of the VIP section. I felt unsteady on my feet so I grasped a hold of Aedan's muscular shoulder. I focused on steadying my breathing.

The guards at the entrance of the VIP section didn't bother to stop us as we entered, and I wondered if Aedan had shown them a pass or if it was just because he had an uncanny resemblance to Austin Butler. I giggled quietly as I could, amused by nothing. I wanted to curse myself for getting drunk.

"It's a good thing you're a happy drunk, because I don't think I could handle you being an angry pill." Aedan grunted as I leaned more onto him and relaxed.

Aedan placed both his hands on my biceps and sat me down onto a nearby tacky red couch. The flashing lights weren't as bad here as they were on the dance floor. No sweaty bodies. No handsy guys.

No ruggedly handsome strangers.

Aedan plopped down in the seat next to mine. "They should be here anytime now, girlie."

I gave him a drunken smile. Before I could open my mouth to giggle at the straying thread on his black button-up, the air seemed to drop a few degrees. I dropped my drunken smile. Aedan's hand on my shoulder tightened to a near death grip, a silent warning that they were here.

All of them were clad in black, different colored heads straightly screwed on. The man in front of the group stood out in the VIP section. His red hair fell in clumps and stopped short of his bulky, wide shoulders. The strands reminded me of fire. He was large and muscly, and the steps he took were at least twice as wide as mine. His dull green eyes reminded me of a canopy of trees.

Strides confident, Redhead quickly glided over towards one of the darkest corners in the nightclub. His men had already stationed around that general area, not needing to be told to watch out for any spies or suspicious persons. Which Aedan and I were.

Aedan had picked a good spot: not too close, not too far. His bone crushing grip on my shoulder gradually loosened, having decided that I wasn't going to do anything stupid. I prayed that I wouldn't get sick and spill the contents in my stomach.

I groggily sat in the chair waiting for the other people to show up. Knowledge and facts had ceased to exist in my brain, and only clouded awareness was left. I needed to get a grip, but each time I tried to it felt like grasping empty air.

Aedan sat next to me warily, his attention divided between Redhead and I. His hand had now loosened enough to settle on my forearm. Calloused against soft. His skin didn't stir any butterflies, but was more of a comfort for me. My body had slumped back against the red chair, and so the wood had dug into my back.

A man had suddenly walked straight past us. His long legs didn't hesitate as he slid into the chair opposite of Redhead. Wild eyes and a head full of chocolate curls, he didn't seem as hulking as Redhead. They were both dressed in head-to-toe black. I frowned when I realized that the meeting was just about to start.

"So what exactly is this meeting for? What's so urgent that we had to meet in public?" the Redhead leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees as he watched Curls with a scrutinizing eye. His voice matched the aura he gave off. Rough, and straightforward.

"The pay's good. It also needs to be done soon, yet be done as discretely as you can." Curls said calmly, unaffected by Redhead's patronizing approach.

"Well, get on with it. What's the job?" Redhead asked, his brow still wrinkled into a v.

"Russo wants you to kidnap someone."

The Redhead sat back with one eyebrow shot up. I, on the other hand, already wanted to go. Basic kidnapping jobs happened all the time, but they still rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't see any reason to stay besides find out who it was, but even that didn't deter the headache that was coming on.

"Lombardi doesn't do high profile kidnappings — "

"We know this. But when we say the pay is good, the pay is good. The situation is a bit complex, but nothing you guys can't handle." Curls interrupted.

Redhead pursed his thin lips, considering the deal. I wanted to move, but Aedan's hand was in the way. Feeling restless, I started to pull on my lip ring. The flesh would probably be blood red by the time we got out of here.

"Who would we be kidnapping?"

Aedan's hand tightened as we waited for Curls to answer.

     "Gray Hawking."


sorry this took so long, i've been swamped with stuff.
that ending, though. hope it was a good cliffhanger.
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thanks for reading, dolls.
- taiylor

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