Chapter Twenty Seven ~ I Promise, You Won't Regret This

Beginne am Anfang

                I walked over to the door and looked through the peep hole, just in case it was some fan trying to get to me. I’ve had that done before and it’s not that fun. However in this case it wasn’t a fan, it was someone that I never expected.  I swung open the door, revealing the guest. Or in my case, the intruder.

“May I help you Marty?” I asked.

“Can we talk? I just need talk to you.” Marty said. I sighed and let him in. I might as well get this over with . I mean… we are on tour together. I don’t want to spend the next month and a half fighting. That would be really bad.

                We ended up on the couch. I turned off my phone and sat facing him. He looked like he had a lot to get off his mind. Poor guy… wait am I feeling bad for Marty? God… that’s really weird. I guess I have grown up since we last saw each other. Ha, just kidding.

“Caitlin…remember back on the X Factor? When you first starting liking me?” Marty asked. I scrunched my eyebrows together. That’s such a weird question.  I mean… of course I remember. I nodded and he continued.

“I really did like you, Caitlin. Remember when we watched The Hunger Games, and I’d always call you red because of your hair. I made a huge mistake Caitlin, something I wish I could take back.” Marty said. I froze a little. Remembering all the times he called me red.

“Yeah, I remember. I also remember you breaking my heart by cheating on me. God Marty, I really like you. Did you know how I felt when you cheated? I felt so used, like I was an idiot. It was the worst feeling in the world.” I said, looking away. I can’t look at him right now. He’d see the tears in my eyes.

“I know! It was the stupidest thing I ever did. And Caitlin if you take me back, I’ll never do anything like that again. Please Caitlin, I still like you. I like you a lot and I never stopped.” Marty said. I blinked away the tears and looked at him.

“Well you are a little late now, I like someone else. Someone that’s taken me out twice already.” I said, thinking of Louis.

“Only twice. Caitlin I know you’re talking about Louis, I’ve seen the articles about the two of you. But does he really like you like you like him? Caitlin you are perfect, if he knew that he wouldn’t take this long to make a move.” Marty said.

                I opened my mouth to say something, but then closed it. He was right. As much as I hate to admit it, Marty was right. If Louis really did like me wouldn’t he want to make me his girlfriend or want to take me out more? We’ve only been out twice and he hasn’t asked me on a third date. We’ve barely texted or talked on the phone. I don’t know if Louis really does like me like I like him.

                Who am I kidding? He dated Eleanor Calder. I haven’t met her, but I remember all the things I read about them and they were perfect for each other. Sure all the Larry stuff might have gotten to her head at times, but still…ugh. I don’t know what to think.

                But Marty being right is making me mad. Who does he think he is, coming into my room and telling me all these things? I wish Liz and Julie were here. But Julie wanted to go for a late night swim and Liz and Niall are together somewhere, so I stayed. Worst idea ever. If I had known I would’ve left with Julie or something. Anything to hear all this.

“Caitllin, if you give me one more chance I promise you I won’t break your heart again. Please… is there anyway? I don’t care if I’m a rebound from Louis, I just want to be with you again.” Marty said. I looked up at him and saw that he was serious. But… he cheated on me. How could I trust him again?

                How do I know if he won’t go back out and cheat on me with some other girl? I never expected him to do it the first place. But everyone deserves second chances, and that’s something I believed in since I was little. I mean… after all Jay Cee El wouldn’t be here without that second chance. I mean we all blew it in Boot Camp, but they decided to give us a second chance and put Julie, Liz, and I in a group. I don’t know if you could call it a second chance, but to me it is.

“I’ll tell you what… we can take it slowly. But if I think that you’re cheating even for a second, you’ll be gone. Got it?” I said, looking at him. I need to get over Louis; he obviously doesn’t like me like that. I know it’s a little mean, but if Marty helps me get over him I might as well.

“Thank you Caitlin.” Marty said, leaning in. I was a little hesitant, but I let him kiss me anyway. It was so different then kissing Louis, I have to admit. I mean… Louis would always be so gentle and take things slow. Marty’s a little faster and well… I don’t know. It’s just not as good as kissing Louis.

“I promise, you won’t regret this.”


Haha, I told you it would be a plot twist. No please… no hate on Caitlin. You have to understand what it’s like to be her.

I mean… the guy she likes is sending her mixed singles and she doesn’t know what to think. She’s trying to sort out her feelings, and if being with Marty helps her then so be it.

So please no hate.

Anyway… the outfit on the side is her pajamas. I think they are just so cute and I wish I had them.

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil’ Gummy Worms!

~Amanda<3 xXx

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