An old friend comes back

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the next day I wake up and take a shower. when I get out and get dressed I got into Kimkios room and wake him up telling him to get ready and that were meeting Kakashi today and the rest of the team "Okay Akira can you make us breakfast today" he loves it when I make breakfast since its rare but when I do its amazing "Okay sure it will be ready when you come out okay" "Yeaaaa I love you Akira" he then tackled me into a hug "Ahh I know kimkio you almost made me fall" "Hehehe sorry" with that he went to take a shower and Saphira and Matsuki left to hunt while I made breakfast. I had just set the table when Kimkio came down the stairs his hair is still a bit wet and is dripping onto his shirt "Kimkio do you want me to dry your hair" "Please" with that I used my wind to dry his hair and styled it just like how he likes it "There you go all done now sit down and eat your breakfast"

"Thanks sis" "Yep" we then ate our breakfast and man was it good I made bacon eggs sliced potato's toast and my specialty Lemon pie. The last time I made it was when my mom was still alive she had taught me how to make it. 'mom man I miss you I wish you and dad were here right now'. we then left and met up with Saphira and Matsuki "So you feeling any better little brother" "Yeah I'm not as sore and I can move normally without any pain" "Good" we had met up with Kakashi and we all walked together to meet our team "You do know that were late so whats your excuse this time hmmm" "Hehehehe up a black cat crossed our paths so we had to take the long way" he then rubbed his head sheepishly "Wow no how about instead we scare the crap out of them and make then forget" "I like Akiras idea better" "Fine well go with her idea so what do you want to do" "Hmmmmmm.......Oh I got it how about i get one of my old friends to scare them you remember Midnight right Kimkio?" "Yeah oh man i miss him okay sure and will he be full grown" "Yeah definitely" "Wait who's Midnight" "Oh don't worry Kakashi you will find out soon enough"

I then whistled a tone a high pitch long then low short then another high short and low long really loud. "Okay he will be here any minute now" just as i said that out from the woods came a huge wolf he was very fit and strong he had a slick black coat and had blue eyes like Narutos but had a teal tint to them and he look very strong. once he reacted us Kimkio had grabbed him and hugged him "Midnight it has been to long my friend" 'Kimkio is that you wow how you have grown and Akira you too your much prettier and have finally got curves and a nice chest" that made me blush "Midnight" i said teasingly i then hugged him "Its good to see you my friend i have missed you allot" "Same here Akira so who's this man with you" "Oh this is Kakashi. Kakashi this is Midnight he is a very good friend of ours he had saved me when i was little from a group of ninjas that had tried to kill me him and his pack came to my rescue we have been friends ever since" "Oh well hello Midnight its nice to meet you" "Same here Kakashi so hows Pakun" "Hes good hows the kids" "there good" "Wait you two know each other" "Yeah he when you had left with Saphira i was out hunting one time and i got hurt pretty bad and Kakahsi had been walking that time and had seen me and helped me back to my family and had taken care of us till i was better" "Oh okay well thanks Kakashi" "No problem but I never new your name" "Okay well Midnight could you do us a small favor well you and your pack" "Yeah what you need us to do" "Oh just scare the living crap out of my teammates there over by that bridge over there and i want all of you to be full grown and do what ever you want to scare them" "Okay sure no problem that's easy" with that said he lets out a loud howl but since we couldn't be seen my 3 teammates just ignored it "HOAWLLLLLALLLLLOWWWWW" then about 5 more wolves cam out of the forest.

"What do you need daddy and who are they" "Kids this is Akira and Kimkio you remember me telling you about them right" "Oh wow so your the infamous Akira and her brother Kimkio its nice to finally meet you dad told us all about you" "Oh really well that's cool" "Okay kids were going to do them a favor and scare some kids okay so grow to your full form and be very quiet and follow me you too honey" "Okay' with that they all grew to be about 10 feet tall and had moved to the forest are behind my team. Me Kakashi and Kimkio all jumped into a near by tree to watch man this is going to be funny. once the 6 of them were in position they had come charging out of the forest growling and had some foam coming out of there mouths they all had there teeth bared and looked truly terrifying hehehe man there good. "Oh my god look there huge and there coming strait for us" "Run" they all then ran off into the training field with Midnight right on their trail since Sakura was really slow she had been caught first " Kakashi we need to work on her speed bad she is just plain weak" "Yeah agreed" one of Midnights kids knocked her out and pulled her behind some bushes while the others ran after Naruto and Bluebird. They had almost made it to the trees but Midnight and one of his pups man that one is fast to be able to keep up with Midnight. They had grabbed Sasuke's shirt and had him secured and Midnight grabbed Narutos Jacket and had him secured.

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