Just then a woman that has been trying to get his attention finally gets him to look at her. He smiles a brilliant smile. "It looks like someone just volunteered, excuse me Mori."

He is unprepared for her response. "No."

He takes his eyes of his chosen prey and turns them onto Mori, narrowed in anger. "What did you say?"

Mori returns his glare, "I said no. I won't have you hunt and kill the villagers. You gave them to me. You promised."

Nocturne softens his glare, "Look Mori, I've already eaten. I just need to get rid of this taste. Her blood will suffice for the task. I won't kill her and she'll enjoy it. I promise."

"No. You are supposed to be with me. I won't have you going off to eat and leaving me here like a loser whose date ditches her." Mori is furious although she hides her anger well.

Nocturne looks at her in surprise. "That's how you would see it? Then by all means I won't go to her." Nocturne smirks again. "I'll have her come here to join us. After all you shouldn't eat by yourself." Actually the more Nocturne thinks about it the more he likes the idea. Mori still doesn't care for the idea, but it's better than the other.

Nocturne easily recaptures the woman's gaze and compels her to join them. Shortly after she slides into the booth next to Nocturne. Soon after the waitress brings Mori's dinner. "Oh, will she be joining you? Her order is ready as well, I can just as easily serve it here as at her table." The waitress says unknowing of the woman's fate that night.

"No." Mori says flatly giving Nocturne a glare which he ignores.

"She won't be staying for long. However, I will be paying for her meal and make sure she has a glass of juice Orange would be best." Nocturne says to the waitress before sending her on her way.

"Thank you for paying for my meal, but it's not necessary for you to order me anything else." The blonde woman states, ignoring the looks of pity Mori is throwing her way.

"There's no helping stupidity." Mori mumbles, but it's loud enough the blonde throws her a dagger glare and Nocturne stifles a laugh.

"Go ahead Nocturne since I can't dissuade you." Mori says in an overly sweet voice.

She then turns her full attention to the food in front of her and eats automatically. The blood from the steak helps but when the aroma from of the woman's blood hits her that's when she can't seem to get enough of the steak.

The sounds of pleasure the woman makes are soft and only heard by the occupants in the booth, but it's enough to gain Mori's attention. By the time dinner for both of them is done Mori is more than ready to return to the cabin.

"I'll take Jerus tonight." Mori says as they reach the cabin.

Nocturne had already called for him. It's going to be a long night. The woman's pleasure had incited Mori, which in turn is causing him all kinds of pain. Damn, he'd rather be taking Mori to bed. He'll just have to take it out on Dvis.

"He'll be here shortly. Mori..." Nocturne starts. But before he can continue Mori turns away from him.

She goes to the bathroom to remove the makeup she rarely bothers with and Nocturne follows her in. He hisses when he sees the bruise she'd managed to hide from even his keen sight.

"Come here Mori." Nocturne orders in a voice she can't refuse.

She returns to his side and he lifts her face up and angles it to better see what he'd done earlier. He presses his lips together in anger. "Does it hurt?" His other hand hovers over the bruise not daring to touch the darkened skin.

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