Sarcastic Remarks

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I strolled through the garden, soaking up the suns rays. I was on my way to the throne room. Today was his day of judgement, his sentencing. He asked me to be there, I didn't have the guts to tell him that I had to be there anyway, that today was my day to be inducted into the society. We had been here for almost two weeks. I was given multiple tours on multiple occasions so I pretty much had the land memorized. Everything was grand. Exquisite. And the people were great too, the ones I've been acquainted with at least.

Loki has been locked away in a room, which I learned quickly wasn't his punishment. I haven't seen him in person since we got here; but last night he projected himself to me to ask me to attend his hearing. I don't know why Odin decided to have both of these totally different ceremonies on the same day. Maybe to remind his people that he is just, but also kind? I wouldn't know, Odin was a tough cookie to crack, I was just glad I was on his good side. Frigga says he adores me.

Frigga has been my best friend through this whole transition. She has taken me under her wing like her own daughter - which I learned she has three - All younger than Thor and Loki and all with gold hair and blue eyes. Agatha, Ygritte, and Illain. They like to braid my curly green locks. While they braid my hair they gossip and I just sit quiet and listen. They braided my hair this morning and talked about Loki. I smiled remembering how Ygritte said she would poke her fathers other eye out if he harmed Loki. Agatha assured her sisters that Odin would just throw him in the dungeon like he always did. The sisters loved their adopted brother, he never wronged them in anyway. They told me when they were younger Thor would refuse to play with them, it was Loki who was glad to attend tea parties and play hide and seek with them. Of course he would also play tricks on him but they had enough skills to do it back.

I made my way to the grand establishment that all the highborn resided in. I didn't want to be late for the big event. The guards at the front door spotted me from some yards away and had the large double doors open by the time I got there. I nodded and smiled at them in thanks. My shoes clicked on the stone floors as I made my way to the throne room. The doors were open and Odin rested in his seat, his wife by his side, whispering to him. I walked up to them and curtsied as the three princesses taught me.

"Isabellianna!" Odin acknowledged happily, but a frown soon donned his face. "My dear, I'm afraid you're early for your ceremony."

I gave a small smile. "I'm aware, I came to witness Loki's judgement." I spoke softly, and as I did Frigga came down the steps and stood in front of me. She opened her arms for a hug and I gladly gave her one. I could tell she was sad, but she wanted to be happy for me. When we pulled away from each other there was a pained smile on her face. I rubbed her arm to try and console her.

Odin nodded. "Then I need not keep you wait." He spoke. "Send in the prisoner!" The Allfather ordered and soon after Loki was brought in, restrained in shackles, flanked by at least fifteen soldiers. Frigga's aura immediately went blue.

"Loki." She whispered to him, her voice forlorn.

He grinned and took me in but spoke to Frigga. "Hello Mother. Have I made you proud?" His eyes finally met hers only for her to bow her head in shame.

"Please, don't make this worse." She shook her head, pleading with her child.

Loki pursed his lips. "Define worse?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"Loki, you should listen to your mother, she is very wise, sarcastic remarks will get you nowhere." I crossed my arms over my chest, I was disappointed in him, I thought he would actually be grown up about this. From what I hear his life was really on the line here, Odin could sentence him to death.

"What other kind of remarks are there?" He asked me, a smirk on his lips. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Enough!" Odin interjects, bringing all the attention to him. My eyes widen, he looked pretty pissed. "I will speak to the prisoner alone." He made his order and Frigga turned to leave, I bowed my head and and turned to do the same. "Isabellianna!" He called to me and I turned to face him, my heart beat fast. Did I do something wrong? "You may stay and take witness." 

I was speechless. I was frozen and my mouth hung agape for a moment before I bowed my head and thanked him. Maybe he just knew I would listen from outside anyway. The doors to the room closed and I went over to the side, watching.

Loki stepped closer to his father and laughed. "I really don't see what all the fuss is about." He grinned. 

"Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin, and death." Odin spat.

"I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent God." He spoke and I sneered. Why did he have to lie? Why couldn't he say he was being controlled? Maybe this was the truth and he dragged me here just to see my friends suffer. But it wouldn't make sense. "Just like you." He added and my head snapped to Odin to see what his reaction would be.

"We are not Gods." He argued. "We are born, we live, we die just as humans do."

Loki scoffed. "Give or take five thousand years." He rolled his eyes and I growled. 

"All this because Loki desires... a throne." The bearded man taunted his son.

"It is my birthright!" He whined like a five year old being denied a toy they saw in the window of a store. I cringed at the display.

"Your birthright.." Odin spoke in disbelief, "was to die! As a child, cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in you would not be here now to hate me." He lamented.

"If I'm for the axe then for mercy's sake, just swing it." Loki ignored him, choosing instead to respond with a sarcastic remark. "It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just.. I don't love them." He admitted wryly.

"Frigga is the only reason you're still alive and you'll never see her again. You'll spend the rest of your days in the dungeons." He ordered and I was a little relieved, though he wouldn't show it on the outside Loki's aura told me he was too. The guards started to pull the dark haired man away.

He was serious then, as serious as he could be I guess. "And what of Thor?" He asked. "You'll make that witless oaf king while I rot in chains?"

I raised my eyebrows. I had to admit Loki was pretty brave in his own right, confronting Odin and talking about his brother like that. But would it kill him to keep his mouth shut once and awhile?

"Thor must strive to undo the damage you have done. He will bring order to the nine realms and then yes, he will be king."

Loki narrowed his eyes. "His reign will bring ruin." He warned his father.

Odin dismissed him and the statement with flick of his wrist. "I have no more words for you, Loki. Guards! Get him out of my sight." He called and the sound of the large doors opening made me jump. 

The guards pulled on Loki's chains.  They escorted him out of he room and away.

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